Atlantic blue marlin
Atlantic blue marlin, By Luana Tung, Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Visit the website for photos (click for enlargement) and to learn about its habitat, lifesp
Basic Facts About Orcas
Basic Facts About Orcas, Defenders of Wildlife, Information on its diet, population, range, behavior, and more.
Deep Sea: Bigeye Thresher Shark
Deep Sea: Bigeye Thresher Shark ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research Illustration and information.
Diving with the Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach 2014
Diving with the Tiger Sharks of Tiger Beach 2014, By Becky Kagan Schott, Underwater Vidographer, Video length: 04:31. Awesome video!!
Giant Squid
Giant Squid, Enchanted Learning, Labeled illustration and information for younger students.
Great Hammerhead Sharks underwater in Bahamas
Great Hammerhead Sharks underwater in Bahamas, Uploaded by Becky Kagan Schott, Underwater Videographer,, Video length: 02:34.
Great White Shark Video
Great White Shark, National Geographic, YouTube, Video length: 02:30.
Great White Shark
Great White Shark, Smithsonian Institute: Ocean Portal, Very informative site. A good combination of text and photographs covering their life and natural history, science, and human connections.
Great White Shark Facts and Pictures
Great White Shark Facts and Pictures, National Geographic, "Get fun information about great white sharks, including photos, fun facts, range map, Web links, postcard, video."
How Sharks Sniff Out a Meal
How Sharks Sniff Out a Meal, By Sara Zielinski, June 10, 2010, Smithsonian blog, "A shark's sharp teeth aren't the only reason we find them so scary - their ability to smell blood in the water,
Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale, Enchanted Learning, A lot of information here in easily understandable format.
Humpback Whale Facts
Humpback Whale Facts, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Has a description and information on its habitat, behavior, diet, and more.
Humpback Whales
Humpback Whales, PBS NATURE, Magnificent website!! Can male humpback whales really sing? Find out the answer to this and discover other important things about this top ocean predator.
Journey North Grey Whale Migration Slideshow
Journey North Grey Whale Migration, Journey North for Kids,, Fantastic website! Follow the grey whale migration from their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic down the western coast
Lemon Sharks & Reef Sharks bite camera in Bahamas
Lemon Sharks & Reef Sharks bite camera in Bahamas, Uploaded by Becky Kagan Schott, Underwater Videographer,, Video length: 04:28. Watch what happens when bait is put in the water so t
Mystery of the Sea: National Geographic Pursues the Giant Pacific Octopus
Mystery of the Sea: National Geographic Pursues the Giant Pacific Octopus, By JOHN BERMAN and MICHAEL MURRAY, April 19, 2010, ABC News, This Eight-Legged Creature Is Nicknamed The "Devil-Fish"
Sharkland: Introduction
Sharkland: Introduction, PBS Nature Series, Explore a haven for some of the most extreme underwater predators. View a video and interactive anatomy of the great white's weapons.
Sharks: The Ocean's Oldest Predators
Sharks: The Ocean's Oldest Predators By Patrick Goddard, Scribol staff, "Believe it, or not, sharks are the head of what could be considered to be the most important foodchain on our planet, invo
Thousands of sharks visit a sea mount
Thousands of sharks visit a sea mount, Blue Planet: A Natural History of the Oceans, BBCEarth, February 26, 2010, Video length: 04:03.
Tiger Sharks vs. Turtles
Tiger Sharks vs. Turtles, National Geographic,, Video length: 03:49.
Why Overfishing for Sharks is Destroying the Ocean's Ecosystem
Why Overfishing for Sharks is Destroying the Ocean's Ecosystem, Written by Lisa Hossler, Scribol staff, "Sharks have been part our oceans since before the dinosaurs, yet now humans are hunting th