Food chains and food webs illustrate how different specie get energy. Plants are the basis for energy that flows up a food web. Savannas have acacias, softwoods, palms, and other tropical trees that provide energy sources for the primary plant eaters. Find out how the energy flows up through the food chain.

 Producers (Plants)
A Savanna Food Chain: A Who-Eats-What Adventure in Africa
A Savanna Food Chain: A Who-Eats-What Adventure in Africa By Rebecca Hogue Wojahn, Donald Wojahn Google Books Google allows you to read bits and pieces of this book. Read about the different spe
African Grassland (Savanna) Food Web
African Grassland (Savanna) Food Web, By Sheri Amsel,, An illustration of the food web; can you identify all the parts?
African Savanna
The African Savanna, By Anna, Planet Patrol, Good general information and pictures; scroll down to "African Animals" where it lists the savanna animals by carnivores, herbivores, producers, decom
Oregon Zoo: African Savannah
Oregon Zoo: African Savannah, The Oregon Zoo Each spcecie has its own page that describes its habitat, range, description, diet, behavior, status in the wild, and more. A few of them have videos.
Serengeti wildebeest migration
Serengeti wildebeest migration Africa Expert, Great site!! Along with a good article explaining the migration, there is a moving map showing their progress from May to October.
The food chain
The food chain, Discovery Education, Video length: 02:39.