As Andes Warm, Deciphering The Future for Tropical Birds
As Andes Warm, Deciphering The Future for Tropical Birds, May 12, 2015, By Daniel Grossman, E360 report, Scientists have theorized that tropical birds in mountainous regions will move uphill
Banana Slug in a Rush
Banana Slug in a Rush Visit the web site for the video.
Costa Rica Closes Zoos "Where Will the Animals Go?
Costa Rica Closes Zoos "Where Will the Animals Go? By Kip Patrick in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, for National Geographic Published August 5, 2013 Costa Rica's animal-rescue facilities are facing a cr
Cougars Video Clip
Cougars Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Visit the web site for the video.
Rainforest Provides a photo and information on specie location, appearance, size, habitat, diet, natural predators, and reproduction on mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibian
Red-Faced, Hairless and Handsome: Meet the Bald Uakari Monkey Video
Red-Faced, Hairless and Handsome: Meet the Bald Uakari Monkey Video Video length: 01:17.
Tropical Rainforest Wildlife
Tropical Rainforest Wildlife, Links to tropical rainforest wildlife websites.