Find information and photographs of wildlife that live in the Arctic tundra.

13 animals of the Arctic
13 animals of the Arctic, Mother Nature Network, Close-up photos with descriptions.
A Troubling Decline in the Caribou Herds of the Arctic
A Troubling Decline in the Caribou Herds of the Arctic September 23, 2010 Report By Ed Struzik Yale Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies "Across the Far North, popul
Andean Fox
Andean Fox By: George Andreou Visit the web site for photos.
Arctic Hare
Arctic Hare Natural History Notebooks Canadian Museum of Nature The Arctic hare inhabits the tundra regions of Canada from Newfoundland and Labrador, west to the Mackenzie delta and north to the
Arctic Species
The Arctic Species World Wildlife Organization "Many species have adapted successfully to the arctic seas and ice edge. This environment provides a rich habitat for the polar bear, arctic fox, ar
Arctic Studies Center - Lemmings
Arctic Studies Center - Lemmings Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Lemmings are small mouse-like animals that live in the tundra. In summer they are brown, but in winter they are al
Arctic Tundra
Arctic Tundra, Uploaded by PolarTREC,, Video length: 05:01.
Arctic Wildlife - Caribou & Reindeer
Arctic Wildlife - Caribou & Reindeer Arctic Studies Center Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Reindeer and caribou have unique hairs which trap air providing them with excellent ins
Arctic Wildlife - Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center
Arctic Wildlife - Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center Visit the website, then click on a tab to open the portfolio and learn about the animals of the Arctic! Biologist Doug Siegel-Causey shares his k
Arctic Wildlife Portfolio
Arctic Wildlife Portfolio, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Learn about the animals of the Arctic on this kid friendly website!
Arctic Wolf
Arctic Wolf Able to tolerate year of sub-zero temperatures, months of darkness and weeks without food, the arctic wolf lives in one of the few places on earth where it is safe fro
Arctic Wolf
The Arctic Wolf Cosmosmith Creations T-Shirts "Able to tolerate years of sub-zero temperatures, up to five months of darkness a year, and weeks without food, the arctic wolf lives in one of the
Caribou Video Clip
Caribou Video Clip Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Visit the web site for the video.
Common Raven - Natural History Notebooks
Common Raven - Natural History Notebooks Canadian Museum of Nature Bold, clever, and inquisitive, this large black bird is well distributed in the northern hemisphere. In Canada the Common Raven
Earth Floor Biomes: Arctic Tundra: Animals
Earth Floor Biomes: Arctic Tundra: Animals Center for Educational Technologies NASA Classroom of the Futureā„¢ Wheeling Jesuit University Not many kinds of animals live year-round in the Arctic
Hoary Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll Cornell Lab of Ornithology A small pale bird of the high Arctic, the Hoary Redpoll is a rare winter visitor to southern Canada and the northern United States. During redpoll invasi
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur All About Birds Cornell Lab of Ornithology Cornell University A common songbird of the Arctic tundra, the Lapland Longspur winters in open fields across much of the United
Musk Ox Save Calf from Wolves Video
Musk Ox Save Calf from Wolves, National Geographic, Video length: 02:15
Must Ox
Must Ox,, From a distance, musk oxen look like large, brown stones. However, there is every reason to take a closer look at Greenland's largest land mammal.
Planet's Best: Polar Bear Tundra Buggy
Planet's Best: Polar Bear Tundra Buggy Animal Planet In this clip from "Planet's Best North American Wildlife Encounters" on Animal Planet passengers go on a Tundra Buggy
Puffins - Feeding and Burrows
Puffins - Feeding and Burrows They can swim underwater so well that people used to claim that they were a cross between a bird and a fish. Visit the web site for photo and to l
Reindeer Superpower: Ultraviolet Vision
The Reindeer Superpower: Ultraviolet Vision, Written by MikeDeHaan, Scribol Staff, "Reindeer, unlike most mammals, can see in ultraviolet. This special ability helps reindeer survive in the arcti
Snow Goose
Snow Goose Cornell Lab of Ornithology A medium-sized goose that breeds on the arctic tundra, the Snow Goose travels south in very large, high-flying, noisy flocks. The swirling white of a desce
Snow Goose - Wonderclub
Snow Goose Snow Goose With its dazzling white plumage, the snow goose is aptly named and is one of the easiest of all geese to identify. However, there are three types of snow g
Snowshoe Rabbit
Snowshoe Rabbit photograph by Susan Teel Common Names: Varying Hare Genus: Lepus Species: americanus The snow shoe rabbit lives in forest areas where the ground is cover
Snowy Owls
Snowy Owls These owls are found only in the Arctic - living and breeding on the tundra. Visit the web site for photo and to learn more.
Snowy Owls' NYC Visit Reveals Migration Habits
Snowy Owls' NYC Visit Reveals Migration Habits, March 11, 2015, By Shannon Hall, Staff Writer, Live Science, "At least seven snowy owls have been spotted in New York City since December, and sci
Tundra Animal Printouts
Tundra Animal Printouts Enchanted Learning Here you can learn about animals that live in the arctic and alpine tundra; click on a name to see a printout and learn more about that animal.
Tundra Animals
Tundra Animals Tundra, a website of The Animal Spot, is a reference to some of the animals that can be found in the tundra. Tundra is described as an area where
Tundra Animals
Tundra Animals Photos and information on the diet, habitat, size and description, and reproduction of the polar bear, caribou, arctic fox, arctic hare, snowy owl, musk ox, and
What Are Some Niches of Animals in the Arctic Tundra?
What Are Some Niches of Animals in the Arctic Tundra?, By Izzy McPhee, eHow Contributing Writer, "The animals of the Arctic live through freezing weather and manage to find shelter, food and safe