Blue Grouse
Blue Grouse, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: unless otherwise noted, Visit the website for photos and to learn about its characteristics, range, habitat,
Can rare wolves and sawmill jobs both survive on an Alaska island? A battle heats up
Can rare wolves and sawmill jobs both survive on an Alaska island? A battle heats up, October 19, 2015, By William Yardley, Contact Reporter, Los Angeles Times, The story of the wolves, the is
Common Shrew JPEG
Common Shrew JPEG NaturePhoto-cz Visit the web site for the photo.
The Life and Times of a Banana Slug
The Life and Times of a Banana Slug, Sempervirens Fund, Article with several videos.
WDFW Cougars (Mountain Lions)
WDFW Cougars (Mountain Lions), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, A lot of cougar information, including do's and dont's.