You might think that all of Australia is a desert, but the desert lies in the interior part of the country. It is not a dry, arid desert; it gets rain but it is sporadic. Australia has a lot of wildlife - the bilby, camels, lizards, bearded dragon, red kangaroo, and dingo are a few.

5 Things You Didn't Know About Koala Bears
5 Things You Didn't Know About Koala Bears, By Contributing Writer, Scribol, Cute, cuddly, little monster that live in trees. All these things you knew already about koala bears. There are 5 thin
Australia's camels
Australia's camels, BBC Two - Wild Down Under,, Video length: 03:13.
Australian Animals Pictures
Australian Animals Pictures, Pictures by QT Luong, Click on a picture to view a larger image and description.
Australian Birds
Australian Birds,, This page is a photo index of all the Australian Birds on the site. Click on the common name to go to the detail page for that bird.
Australian Dingo
Australian Dingo,, Photo, general information, and pertinent facts on the dingo.
Australian Frogs
Australian Frogs, OzAnimals Australian Wildlife, This page is a photo index of all the Australian Frogs on the site. Click on a common name to view a photo and description.
Australian Outback Animals
Australian Outback Animals, Outback Australia Travel Guide, Photos, descriptions, and facts on dangerous, feral, lizards, and more.
Boxing Kangaroos!
Boxing Kangaroos!, By Contributing Writer, Scribol, Great photos!
Crocodilians,, Photos and description for younger students.
Desert amphibians
Desert amphibians, BBC - Life in Cold Blood,, Video length: 01:13.
Desert Ants
Desert Ants, BBC Two - Wild Down Under,, Video length: 02:21.
Dingo, Desert Animals, Missouri Botanical Garden, For younger students.
Dingo, Australia
Dingo, Australia,, Two photos plus information on the dingo's habitat, breeding, food & feeding, size, breeding, and lifestyle.
Echidna,, Photos and description for younger students.
Feral pests taking toll on outback animals
Feral pests taking toll on outback animals, By Chrissy Arthur and Amy Phillips, May 1, 2012, ABC News, Article with photo; click to enlarge.
Kangaroo,, Labeled illustration for younger students.
Lizards, snakes and poisonous animals roaming the deserts of Australia, BBC Wildlife
Lizards, snakes and poisonous animals roaming the deserts of Australia, BBC Worldwide,, Video length: 03:00.
Moloch Horridus: The Thorny Mountain Devil
Moloch Horridus: The Thorny Mountain Devil, By Contributing Writer, Scribol, Photos with descriptions.
Pouring Down Arachnids: Australia's Nasty 'Spider Rain' Explained
Pouring Down Arachnids: Australia's Nasty 'Spider Rain' Explained, May 18, 2015,, Article with video: 0:058.
Scientists find new Australian frog
Scientists find new Australian frog, July 2, 2011, By Australian National University,, Article with photo.
Thorny Devil
Thorny Devil, Missouri Botanical Garden, For younger students.
Tough Lizard
Tough Lizard, BBC Two - Wild Down Under,, Video length: 02:41.
Wallaby Video Clip
Wallaby Video Clip, Newton's Apple, Twin Cities Public Television, Visit the web site for video.
Young Kangaroo. Australia
Young Kangaroo. Australia, By QT Luong,, Scroll through several good photos of kangaroos.