Most of the deserts in Africa reach extremely high temperatures; that does not mean they lack a variety of wildlife. Specie that live in such extreme temperatures have adapted in order to survive. Find photos and information on wildlife in the deserts of Africa.

14 Fantastic Wildlife Discoveries of 2014 (PHOTOS)
14 Fantastic Wildlife Discoveries of 2014 (PHOTOS), December 14, 2014, By Michele Berger, The Weather Channel, The first specie focuses on the Elephant Shrewa, discovered in the Nambian desert
A glimpse of Namib Desert
A glimpse of Namib Desert, Uploaded by blueberry1706, You Tube, Video length: 02:30.
African Oryx Eat Poisonous Plants to Survive Periods of Drought
African Oryx Eat Poisonous Plants to Survive Periods of Drought, Aug 19, 2013, By James A. Foley, Nature World News, Article with one large photo.
An African Success: In Namibia, The People and Wildlife Coexist
An African Success: In Namibia, The People and Wildlife Coexist, May 12, 2011 Report, By Richard Conniff , Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, "Shortly after gainin
Baby Tiger Video Clip
Baby Tiger Video Clip Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Visit the web site for the video.
Elephant 'secret languag' clues
Elephant 'secret language' clues, By Pallab Ghosh, Science correspondent, BBC News, San Diego, Researchers at San Diego Zoo have been studying what has been described as the "secret language" of
Fennec, By Rebecca Adams, Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Visit the website for photos (click for enlargement) and to learn about its habitat, lifespan, behavior,
Fighting for survival in the Kalahari desert, Africa - BBC wildlife
Fighting for survival in the Kalahari desert, Africa, BBC wildlife,, Video length: 02:32.
Kalahari Gemsbok's photostream
Kalahari Gemsbok's photostream,, Close-up photos of numerous Kalahari animals; click on a photo for to see a larger version and a description.
Lions Video Clip
Lions Video Clip Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Please visit the web site for the video clip and to learn more.
Meet the elephant calves of the Namib Desert,
Meet the elephant calves of the Namib Desert, BBC Worldwide, You Tube, Video length: 02:50.
Namib Desert Beetle
Namib Desert Beetle, July 20, 2008, Dr. Gabi Greve, Daruma Museum, Japan, World Kigo Database, Haiku and Happiness Blog, Up-close photo and description of the beetle.
Namibian Wildlife
Namibian Wildlife, The Cardboard Box Travel Shop, Wonderful resource for photos and information on carnivores, insect eaters, primates, rodents, and other mammals.
On Wikipedia, the Western Black Rhino Moves from 'Is' to 'Was'
On Wikipedia, the Western Black Rhino Moves from 'Is' to 'Was', By Andrew C. Revkin, November 12, 2011, NY Times Dot Earth Blog. Article with two videos.
Sandgrouse Family
Sandgrouse Family, Don Roberson Creagrus' home,, Information and several large close-up photos.
Scott Robertson's Photos of Mammals of Namibia
Scott Robertson's Photos of Mammals of Namibia,, Visit the web site for the photos; click on a photo for a larger version.
South African Wildlife
South African Wildlife,, This gallery has photos and quick facts on the big five wildlife (buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion, and rhinoceros). Use the pull-down menu on the right side
The Meanest Girls at the Watering Hole
The Meanest Girls at the Watering Hole March 2013, By Caitlin O'Connell-Rodwell, Smithsonian Magazine, "A scientist studying female elephants-usually portrayed as cooperative-makes a surprising
Unforgettable Elephants - Introduction | Nature
Unforgettable Elephants - Introduction, Nature,, If you missed the original television program, you can watch videos and learn about this magnificent specie as "Nature chronicles elephant
Weaver Bird Natural History
Weaver Bird Natural History,, All-text article.