There are four deserts in the U.S., the Chihuahuan Desert, Mohave Desert, Sonoran Desert and Great Basin Desert. Three out of the four are hot deserts; the Great Basin is considered a cool or cold desert and is the largest desert in the U.S. The Chihuahuan Desert is the largest desert in North America; the temperature is very hot in the summer and cool in the winter. The Mojave Desert lies between the Sonoran Desert and the Great Basin. The Sonoran Desert is the hottest of the four; moisture from the Pacific coast provides rain for plants and shrubs. Find photos and information of plants and wildlife in the Chihuahuan, Mohave, Sonoran, and Great Basin deserts.

Costa's Hummingbird, Southwest USA
Costa's Hummingbird, Southwest USA, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Visit the website for photographs, a description, and learn about its habitat, behavior, nesting, food habits, and more.
Cottontail Rabbits and Jack Rabbits Video - DesertUSA
Cottontail Rabbits and Jack Rabbits Video,, Visit the web site for the video.
Coyote Printout -
Coyote Printout - Coyote information for younger students.
Death Valley Wildlife
Death Valley Wildlife,, Information and photos on mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.
Desert Animals
Desert Animals Click on animal name for images and description.
Desert Animals & Animal Wildlife
Desert Animals & Animal Wildlife,, Information on the mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and spiders that live in the American southwest deserts. Please visit the
Desert Animals & Wildlife
Mohave Desert Animals & Wildlife,, Visit the web site for photos and facts on desert animals.
Gambel's Quail - Southwest USA
Gambel's Quail - Southwest USA, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Visit the website for photographs, description, and learn about its habitat, behavior, nesting, food habits, and more.
Life in Death Valley: Introduction
Life in Death Valley: Introduction, PBS Nature Series, "NATURE takes viewers into the simmering cauldron of one of the world's most extreme environments -- the hottest, driest place in North Ameri
Mohave Desert Bird Slide Show
Mohave Desert Bird Slide Show Walter Feller Click on the image at the top of the page to go to the next bird in the slide show.
Nature Study in the Sonoran Desert
Nature Study in the Sonoran Desert, By Michael J. Plagens,, A combination of illustrations, photos and descriptions of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, mammals, reptiles, and more.
Sidewinder - Desert Animals
Sidewinder - Desert Animals, Missouri Botanical Garden, Illustration and facts on the sidewinder for younger students.
Surviving Summer in Death Valley
Surviving Summer in Death Valley,, Description of several specie that have adapted to heat in Death Valley.
The Reptiles: Lizards Photo Essay
The Reptiles: Lizards Photo Essay, Nature,, Explore photos of lizards of all shapes and sizes, and from all around the world.
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, USA
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake,, Photos, description, and information on its habitat, reproduction, and hibernation.