Decomposers like worms, fungi, soil bacteria, and earthworms are the recyclers of dead material on the forest floor. Without them, dead material would be insurmountable. Find out how these decomposers do their job.
Decomposers, NatureWorks Decomposers, NatureWorks,
New Hampshire Public Television,
Visit the website for photos and to learn about its characteristics, range, habitat, diet, life cycle, and behavior. Click on photos for
Kid's Corner - DecomposersKid's Corner - Decomposers,
Sheppard Software,
Wonder what role decomposers have in the food chain? You'll find out here.
Kids RecycleWorksKids RecycleWorks,,
Pictures, information, and more on decomposers.
MillipedesMillipedes - Class Diplopoda,
By Phil Myers,
Animal Diversity Web,
University of Michigan,
Museum of Zoology,
This page has photos of different kinds of millipedes.
The Adventures of Herman the WormThe Adventures of Herman the Worm,
University of Illinois Extension,
Learn about the history, anatomy, what it eats, worm facts, and their importance in our soil.
What Do Worms EatWhat Do Worms Eat,
Professor's House,
Worms eat a wide variety of organic material; they are also an important ingredient in composting.