Kelp forests are an ecosystem similar to rain forests in that they have a canopy and several layers below. Sea lions, seals, sea otters and whales feed off of the kelp while other marine life seek shelter from their predators.
Cashes Ledge: The Gem of New England
Cashes Ledge: The Gem of New England,
August 14, 2015,
Posted by Brett Garling,
National Geographic Ocean Views,
Article includes text and images of marine life in the 'home of the largest col
Catalina Kelp Forest VideoCatalina Kelp Forest,
Posted by nnylfk,,
Video length: 03:15.
Diving into Our Ocean SanctuariesDiving into Our Ocean Sanctuaries,
by David Lukas,
Bay Nature Institute,
This is an interesting article that, for the most part, discusses the kelp forest food chain, its diversity, and the marin
Giant Kelp ForestsThe Giant Kelp Forests,,
Article with one photograph.
Giant Kelp ForestsGiant Kelp Forests,
Article by Scott Gietler and Dr Bill Bushing,
Underwater Photography Guide,
Article with photographs.
Habitats - Kelp ForestsHabitats - Kelp Forests,
Written by staff at the Marine Discovery Centre, Queenscliff, Victoria,
In addition to reading about kelp forests' description and energy flow, the page also lists the pr
Invasive sea urchin endangers giant kelp forestsInvasive sea urchin endangers giant kelp forests,
Invasive Species Council Australia,
For the first time, a marine ecological community has been listed under federal environment laws – the sinuous
Kelp DescriptionKelp Description,
National Marine Sanctuaries,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
A little on the history of kelp, its unique characteristics, and ecosystem. If you click on "Giant
Kelp Forest Coming Back In Force Off Palos Verdes PeninsulaKelp Forest Coming Back In Force Off Palos Verdes Peninsula,
November 20, 2014,
Santa Monica Mirror,
Urchins are destructive to kelp; read what volunteers and organizations were able to do to hel
Kelp Forest PhotographsKelp Forest Photographs,
Phillip Colla Natural History Photography,,
Beautiful photos; click to enlarge, learn where the photo was taken, and more.
Kelp Forest Web CamKelp Forest Web Cam,
Monterey Bay Aquarium,
A live look of the kelp forest that shows the wide diversity of fish and invertebrates that live in that ecosystem.
Kelp Photos Kelp Photos,
By Floor Anthoni,
Seafriends, New Zealand,
The photos are not large, you can't make them bigger, but they are nonetheless amazing.
Macrocystis Kelp Forest ImagesMacrocystis Kelp Forest Images,
Golden State Images,
Natural History Photography of California,
A commercial web site but you can view the photos and see close-up pictures of kelp fronds, variou
Ocean ForestsOcean Forests,
Missouri Botanical Garden,
For younger students.
Plant, Animal or Algae?Plant, Animal or Algae?,
Story and photos by Marty Snyderman,
Oceans for Youth Educational Website,
For younger students.
Southern California Kelp Forests Making a ComebackSouthern California Kelp Forests Making a Comeback,
Nov. 4, 2014,
By Paul Heltzel,,
A decade of restoration efforts have helped bring back hidden kelp forests, which provide ha
Study Hints That Kelp Forests May Weather Climate Change
Study Hints That Kelp Forests May Weather Climate Change,
November 18, 2014,
By Chris Clarke,
Climate change threatens to radically alter most of California's landscapes, but a re
The Kelp Forest VideoThe Kelp Forest,
April 01, 2008,
By Stephen Mark Brunsons,,
Video length: 05:46.
Underwater ForestsUnderwater Forests
Oceana Organization
Article describes kelp forest distribution, reproduction, industrial uses, invasive species, and their number one enemy - sea urchins.
Underwater ForestsUnderwater Forests,
Ocean Today,
Video length: 03:14.
Underwater Forests VideoUnderwater Forests,
Posted by simon299,,
Video length: 03:04.
Who's at Home in a Holdfast?Who's at Home in a Holdfast?,
by Erin Loury,
Ichthyology Lab,
Moss Landing Marine Lab,
Article with several photographs.