These games and activities help young students learn about biomes. Interactive jigsaw puzzles are fun, entertaining, and educational.

Active Science - Humans and Animal Habitats
Active Science - Humans and Animal Habitats Glaxo Smith Kline "Different living things like to live in places that suit their needs and include humans. Play the Habitats Game to find out more."
Animal Adaptations
Animal Adaptations Harcourt School Publishers Decide what need an animal's adaptation fulfills.
Belau tube coral Jigsaw Puzzle
Belau tube coral Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the puzzle. Copyright 2006
Bloodstar on Purple Coral Jigsaw Puzzle
Bloodstar on Purple Coral Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the puzzle. Copyright 2006
Brain Coral Jigsaw Puzzle
Brain Coral Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the puzzle. Copyright - 2006
Build a Food Web
Build a Food Web, , "Your job is to build a food web. Follow the directions to complete."
Eduweb Portfolio: The Case of the Bleached Brain Coral
Eduweb Portfolio: The Case of the Bleached Brain Coral Columbia University Biosphere 2 Center Oracle, Arizona What do mollusks and global climate change have in common? That was eduweb's chall
Every Living Thing Has A Home
Every Living Thing Has A Home "It's your job to make sure everyone finds their home." Click on the penguin to begin.
Fire Story
Fire Story U.S. Forest Service There's a fire in a National Park! This online activity will help you understand how fires behave.
Food Puzzle Chain
Food Puzzle Chain Zephyrus Interactive Education Website Here is a food chain you might find in the country.
Forest Hunt - Coniferous
Forest Hunt - Coniferous Can you find these 20 typical residents of a coniferous forest? Visit the web site to begin.
Gorgonian Coral Jigsaw Puzzle
Gorgonian Coral Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the puzzle. Copyright 2006
Grade 3 What Living Things Need & the Food Chain
Grade 3 What Living Things Need & the Food Chain By Mrs. Zebersky, Oaks School #3, Oceanside, NY Rags to Riches: Answer questions in a quest for fame and fortune.
Grade 5 - Ecosystems and Biomes
Grade 5 - Ecosystems and Biomes Macmillan McGraw-Hill Vocabulary games, summaries, and quizzes on ecosystem cycles, changes in ecosystems, biomes, and water ecosystems.
Grade 5 - Interactions in Ecosystems
Grade 5 - Interactions in Ecosystems Macmillan McGraw-Hill Vocabulary games, animated summaries, and quizzes on energy flow and relationships in ecosystems, and adaption and survival.
Grade 6 Ecosystem Reviews and Games
Grade 6 Ecosystem Reviews and Games Macmillan McGraw-Hill Check out the vocabulary games, summaries, and quizzes on earth's ecosystems; food chains, webs and pyramids; comparing ecosystems; and
Habitat Quiz
Habitat Quiz Channel 4 Learning Espresso Education Visit the web site for quiz.
Jellyfish Jigsaw Puzzle
Jellyfish Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the puzzle. Copyright 2006
K4 Modules: Biomes
K4 Modules: Biomes By Exploring the Environment NASA Classroom of the Future™ @ Wheeling Jesuit University Welcome to the Biomes section of Exploring the Environment®. Here you will find...
Kalahari: Where Lion is King
Kalahari: Where Lion is King Grade: 3-5 Visit the web site to begin.
Kid's Corner - Food Chain
Kid's Corner - Food Chain Read and learn about the parts of food chains, then take the quiz.
Kids Corner - Food Chain Game
Kids Corner - Food Chain Game Sheppard Software Check out this food chain game and see how well you do. If you think you need help, scroll down and click on topics to learn more about food chain
Pond Life & Energy Flow in Ecosystems
Pond Life & Energy Flow in Ecosystems By Mrs. Newlin 6th Grade Life Science Four interactive games - flashcard, matching, concentration, and word search on the energy flow.
Pond Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle
Pond Puzzle Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the 20 piece puzzle.
Predators and Prey
Predators and Prey Find out how predators and prey are adapted to help them survive, then test your understanding with an activity.
Producers Consumers Decomposers Game
Producers Consumers Decomposers Game Sheppard Software When the plant or animal appears, choose whether it's a consumer, producer or decomposer.
Quia Grade 3 What Living Things Need & the Food Chain
Quia Grade 3 What Living Things Need & the Food Chain Visit the web site for an interactive quiz.
Rain Forest Breakout
Rain Forest Breakout Object: Get a high score by using your ball to break out blocks of the picture. Use the red paddle to prevent the ball from hitting the floor.
Secrets@Sea An interactive adventure that helps students learn about marine ecology.  Grades 4-7
Serengeti Photo Safari
Serengeti Photo Safari Have you ever thought about becoming a wildlife photographer? In Serengeti Photo Safari, you can capture fantastic images of animals on the Serengeti plains. Driv
Solve an Estuary Mystery
Solve an Estuary Mystery U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Solve an Estuary Mystery Imagine that something is wrong with your local estuary. Maybe there's a sign posted on the shore that reads
Spuzzled for Kids
Spuzzled for Kids This site takes NOAA images and offers students the chance to put those images into the correct order while also learning more about the environmental work of the Agenc
Starfish Jigsaw Puzzle
Starfish Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the puzzle. Copyright � 2006
Tell Me Why - Environment and Ecosystems
Tell Me Why - Environment and Ecosystems TMW Media See an excerpt from this phenomenal title all about the environment and ecosystems from the award-winning Tell Me Why, the Children's Video En
The Great Habitat Match-Up
The Great Habitat Match-Up An animal’s habitat is its home. Animals look to their habitats to provide food, shelter, and protection from predators. When a habitat is changed or po
The Puma Challenge
The Puma Challenge U.S. Forest Service What is a puma? Be one. Find out.
To Plant or Not to Plant: Mission: Biomes
To Plant or Not to Plant: Mission: Biomes NASA Earth Observatory Bill Botanist has just received a collection of plant specimens in the mail. It is urgent that the specimens be planted as soon a
Walk, Swim or Fly?
Walk, Swim or Fly? Harcourt School Grades 3-6 Click the animals and move them where they belong. Do they belong in the water, in the air, or on land?
Wetlands Jigsaw Puzzle
Wetlands Jigsaw Puzzle Visit the web site to solve the 20 piece puzzle.