Barrier islands are narrow strips of land that usually occur in chains. They are popular vacation spots and resort areas but are fragile ecosystems. Find resources and learn about the habitats within barrier islands.

5 Years After Katrina, Gulf Ecosystems On the Ropes
5 Years After Katrina, Gulf Ecosystems On the Ropes, By Brett Israel, Date: 27 August 2010,, Article and photograph; click for larger view.
A Barrier Island - Bald Head Island
A Barrier Island - Bald Head Island, What's It Like Where You Live Team, Missouri Botanical Garden, Has text and images; click to view larger version. For younger students.
Artificial Islands Can't Save LA. Coast, Say Geologists
Artificial Islands Can't Save LA. Coast, Say Geologists, By Larry O'Hanlon, Wed May 12, 2010, Discovery News, All-text article.
Barrier island
Barrier island,, Article with images and illustrations; click for larger version.
Barrier Island and Barrier Beaches
Barrier Island and Barrier Beaches, Dr. Lindley S. Hanson, Salem State College, A combination of text, illustrations, and interactive photograph.
Barrier Island Habitats - How Stuff Works
Barrier Island Habitats, How Stuff Works, Article with photos and illustrations.
Barrier Islands
Barrier Islands, Palm Beach County History Online, All-text article.
Barrier islands off New Orleans in jeopardy
Barrier islands off New Orleans in jeopardy, July 15, 2008, Associated Press,, Article with photo.
Building On A Barrier Island
Building On A Barrier Island, Surprising Science Blog, Smithsonian Institute, August 30, 2011, Posted By: Sarah Zielinski, Article with photograph; click to view in on Flickr.
Coastal Conflicts
Coastal Conflicts, USGS, A combination of text, maps, and images; click to view a larger image.
Duke University Marine Lab: explore the Barrier Islands
Duke University Marine Lab: explore the Barrier Islands, October 19, 2007, by Samantha Harrington and Sara Bell, Posted by nicholasschoolatduke, Video length: 03:10.
Florida's Barrier Islands
Florida's Barrier Islands, Florida Vacation & Travel Guide, Article includes photos.
Guide to Coastal North Carolina - Barrier Island Dynamics
Guide to Coastal North Carolina - Barrier Island Dynamics,, Article with illustration.
Hatteras Island Vacations - Geography Gone Wild
Hatteras Island Vacations - Geography Gone Wild, Surf or Sound Realty's Blog, Article with one photograph; click for a larger view.
How Barrier Islands Survive Storms
How Barrier Islands Survive Storms, By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer, Date: 25 August 2011, Article with one image; click to view the full size.
Hurricane Sandy swept away half of barrier island's sand
Hurricane Sandy swept away half of barrier island's sand, August 27, 2013, By Becky Oskin, LiveScience, NBC News, Article with photo.
Ike Underscores Foolishness of Building on Barrier Islands
Ike Underscores Foolishness of Building on Barrier Islands, September 12, 2008, By Clara Moskowitz, Staff Writer,, Article with photo.
Natural History of Georgia's Barrier Islands
The Natural History of Georgia's Barrier Islands By Taylor Schoettle, Photos by Richard T. Bryant,, Article with photos and illustrations.
Opinion: Movable barriers can protect Long Island's South Shore
Opinion: Movable barriers can protect Long Island's South Shore, September 13, 2013, By JOHN D. CAMERON JR.. AND DAVID BERG, Long Island Newsday, Would movable barriers that prevent storm surge
Photos: Beautiful & Ever-Changing Barrier Islands
Photos: Beautiful & Ever-Changing Barrier Islands, Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer, Date: 25 August 2011, Live Science, Photos, with descriptions.
Plants and Flowers of the NC Coast Barrier Islands
Plants and Flowers of the NC Coast Barrier Islands,, Photos with descriptions.
The Evolution of New Jersey's Barrier Islands
The Evolution of New Jersey's Barrier Islands, By Joseph Dunsay,, New Jersey's barrier islands typify environmental change under the forces of nature, but responding to such change
What Will Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Mean for Barrier Islands?
What Will Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Mean for Barrier Islands?,, June 15, 2011, Article with photograph; click to enlarge.