Mangroves are shrubs and trees that grow in saltwater habitats. Find videos, pictures, and information.

 Marine Life
A fifth of the world's mangroves gone in 30 years
A fifth of the world's mangroves gone in 30 years Jeremy Hance July 18, 2010 As mangrove forests disappear worldwide (at a rate of 0.7 percent a year), researchers are beginning
A natural, low-tech solution to tsunamis: mangroves
A natural, low-tech solution to tsunamis: mangroves By Janaki Kremmer Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor January 10, 2005 MADRAS, INDIA As nations around the Indian Ocean discuss
Adapting to Climate Change: mangrove forests for coastal restoration
Adapting to Climate Change: mangrove forests for coastal restoration WetlandsInt | May 25, 2008 Video length: 5.00 minutes
Avicennia germinans - Black Mangroves
Avicennia germinans - Black Mangroves, Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Two small photos, description, life history, habitat & distribution, and physical tolerance.
Coastal habitats may sequester 50 times more carbon than tropical forests by area
Coastal habitats may sequester 50 times more carbon than tropical forests by area By Jeremy Hance November 16, 2009 Highly endangered coastal habitats are incredibly effective in
Florida's Mangrove: An Overview
Florida's Mangrove: An Overview University of Florida IFAS Extension Text and photos on mangrove specie that are found on the coastline of Florida. Red mangroves are seen closest to the water an
Florida's Mangroves: Portrait of a Dying Habitat Part 1
Florida's Mangroves: Portrait of a Dying Habitat Part 1 By DMcCaskey | January 05, 2007 Video length: 05:07
Food on the Mangroves - Ray Mears Extreme Survival - BBC
Food on the Mangroves - Ray Mears Extreme Survival - BBC BBCWorldwide | October 29, 2007 Video length: 02:31
Indonesia Exotic: Bali Mangrove Forest
Indonesia Exotic: Bali Mangrove Forest Where nature tourism is integrated with conservation efforts Indonesia, as a tropical island national, has around 17,500 islands wi
Indonesia's best hope for slowing climate change
Indonesia's best hope for slowing climate change, July 28, 2015, By Samuel McGlennon, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) blog, Indonesian mangroves store some 3.14 billion tonn
Indonesia's vast mangroves are a treasure worth saving
Indonesia's vast mangroves are a treasure worth saving, April 20, 2015, The Conversation, Mangrove forests are amazingly tough, versatile and productive. They play a critical role in the feedin
Innovative project helps women conserve mangroves
Innovative project helps women conserve mangroves, SciDevNet, [YAOUNDE] About 400 women in Cameroon's coastal zones are contributing to environmental conservation by smoking fish with fish scales
Kayaking the Mangrove canals to the bio bay Puerto Rico
Kayaking the Mangrove canals to the bio bay Puerto Rico elyunquedotcom | October 03, 2007 Video length: 3:07 minutes
Knee Deep in Mangrove Mud
Knee Deep in Mangrove Mud Ocean Portal Smithsonian Institute Do you think you'd like to walk through mud like this picture taken from a mangrove pond in Belize??
Learn about Mangroves
Learn about Mangroves Mangrove Action Project Mangrove forests literally live in two worlds at once. Growing in the intertidal areas and estuary mouths between land and sea, mangroves are compri
Local Volunteers Replace Exotic Plant Species With Red Mangroves
Local Volunteers Replace Exotic Plant Species With Red Mangroves, October 7, 2015, By Jessica Meszardos, WCGU Southwest Florida, Article and a 02:49 minute video.
Mangrove - Wikipedia
Mangrove Somewhat lengthy article with good pictures (click to enlarge). The biology area discusses how mangroves have adapted to low oxygen levels, limit their salt intake and wat
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest By Elementary Students from Hauraki Primary School Living Heritage An excellent web site on mangroves with a combination of illustrations, photos and text. When you've finished
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest By iamthewally | May 28, 2007 Video length: 01:27
Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Forest Photo and description of mangrove forests in the buffer zone between 'the freshwater prairies of the interior Everglades and the saltwater Florida Bay.'
Mangrove Forest Habitat in Tropical Thailand
Mangrove Forest Habitat in Tropical Thailand Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics. The many species of trees and shrubs adapted to the
Mangrove Forests
Mangrove Forests Elisabeth Benders-Hyde West Tisbury Elementary School Students Mangroves are woody, specialized types of trees of the tropics that can live on the edge
Mangrove Forests
Mangrove Forests Bohol is blessed with mangrove forests around its river systems, estuaries and off shore islands. Find information on why mangroves are important, thei
Mangrove Forests
Mangrove Forests National Ocean Service, NOAA Scroll down past the photograph for information on mangrove forests.
Mangrove forests could combat tsunamis
Mangrove forests could combat tsunamis July 12, 2010 United Press International WASHINGTON, July 12 (UPI) -- Coastal mangrove forests could substantially reduce the damage from tsunamis like th
Mangrove root function
Mangrove root function Mangrove root system has developed uniquely due to its exposure to tides and its waterlogged substrates condition, therefore it has multiple function in absor
Mangrove Roots Above Water
Mangrove Roots Above and Below Water Ocean Portal Smithsonian Institute Here's a view of mangrove roots both above and below the water. You can see how they reach far below the water's surface, a
Mangrove Roots in Belize
Mangrove Roots in Belize Ocean Portal Smithsonian Institute Mangrove roots like these offer protection from waves and currents along coastal waters.
Mangrove Wetlands
Mangrove Wetlands, San Diego Natural History Museum, A combination of text and photos.
Mangroves Florida Department of Environmental Protection Mangroves are one of Florida's true natives. They thrive in salty environments because they are able to obtain freshwater from saltwater.
Mangroves Environmental Services Lee County (Florida) Government All-text article.
Mangroves Ocean Oasis Field Guide Mangrove Wetlands Coastal wetlands are an important part of the marine habitat, providing a rich source of nutrients for ocean-dwelling organisms and also a nu
Mangroves Department of Environment and Conservation Government of Western Australia Combination of text and two brief videos.
Mangroves By Kennedy Warne Photograph by Tim Laman National Geographic Magazine At the intersection of land and sea, mangrove forests support a wealth of life, from starfish to people, and may
Mangroves Florida Museum of Natural History Fantastic source for mangrove general information, habitat requirements, adaptations, locations, importance, and much more. Lots of photos!!
Mangroves (video, facts and news)
Mangroves (video, facts and news) BBC - Wildlife Finder Great photographs on this site; scroll down for pictures of birds, mammals, and reptiles that live around mangroves. Click on a photo to lea
Mangroves are a critical component of SWFL environment
Mangroves are a critical component of SWFL environment, September 17, 2015, By Kevin Lollar,, Take Southwest Florida's mangroves away, and what do you have? Fewer fish, less w
Mangroves Are World's Most Carbon-Rich Tropical Forests & They've Disappearing Fast
Mangroves Are World's Most Carbon-Rich Tropical Forests & They've Disappearing Fast April 5, 2011, By Matt McDermott, We've known that the world's mangroves are in decline, with
Mangroves Protect Against Erosion
Mangroves Protect Against Erosion Ocean Portal Smithsonian Institute This is a close-up view of the peat soil surface in an intact mangrove forest. Mangrove roots help to build the peat underly
Mangroves, The Ocean Portal
Mangroves, The Ocean Portal Smithsonian Institution "Mangroves can live in hot, salty conditions - but how do that do that when most plants would wither and die?" Visit the website to learn why
Mangroves: Photos of Plants and Animals
Mangroves: Photos of Plants and Animals, Ocean Portal, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, A series of photos from various locations.
NASA images reveal disappearing mangroves worldwide
NASA images reveal disappearing mangroves worldwide By Jeremy Hance December 01, 2010 In August NASA and the US Geological Survey released the first-ever satellite analysis of th
Shrimp Farms' Tainted Legacy Is Target of Certification Drive
Shrimp Farms' Tainted Legacy Is Target of Certification Drive August 6, 2012 BY Marc Gunther, Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies "As shrimp aquaculture has boomed
The Mangrove Forests of Costa Rica (VIDEO)
The Mangrove Forests of Costa Rica (VIDEO), April 10, 2015, By Jaime Lopez, The Costa Rica Star, Video length: 01:06.
To Save Coral Reefs, First Save the Mangroves
To Save Coral Reefs, First Save the Mangroves, February 11, 2015, By Veronique Greenwood, for National Geographic, Coastal forests are a refuge for corals at risk of bleaching in a warming cl
What Are Mangroves?
What Are Mangroves? Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Mangroves are trees and shrubs that have adapted to life in a saltwater environment Visit the website to learn more.
What is a Mangrove?
What is a Mangrove? By Jennifer Kennedy, ThoughtCo. Learn About Mangroves and Marine Life in Mangrove Swamps