The Antarctic is one of the coldest deserts on earth. There are plants and animals that inhabit the area; plants you might find include lichens, mosses, fungi, liverwort and algae. Sea life in the Antarctic includes seals, krill, and blue, fin, humpback, sperm and orca whales.

 Marine Life
Ancient turtle bones reveal that Antarctica was once a rain forest
Ancient turtle bones reveal that Antarctica was once a rain forest,, "These days, Antarctica is the coldest, driest place on Earth. What little life it harbors clings to the edges of the c
Antarctic Photo Library
Antarctic Photo Library U.S. Antarctic Program Visit the web site for photos.
Antarctica Facts
Antarctica Facts, By Hassam, Hub Pages, Information on its location, Antarctic Treaty, land disputes, population, transport, minerals, and animals. All of the topics have a brief paragraph or two
Antarctica Ice Collapses
Antarctica Ice Collapses, Uploaded by tonyrebeiro, March 28, 2008,, Video length: 01:18.
Antarctica | Land of Extremes | coldest place
Antarctica | Land of Extremes | coldest place,, "Antarctica is the land of extremes. It is the coldest, windiest, and highest continent anywhere on earth." Visit the website pho
Antarctica: The Coldest, Driest Continent on Earth
Antarctica: The Coldest, Driest Continent on Earth, By Contributing Writer Scribol, Photographs, with descriptions!
Discovering Antarctica
Discovering Antarctica, Royal Geographical Society, Institute of British Geographers, British Antarctic Survey and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Amazing website!! Check it out for interac
Dive and Discover: Antarctica: The Frozen Sea Introduction
Dive and Discover: Antarctica: The Frozen Sea Introduction, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Get information on Antarctica's location & geography, exploration timeline, and its ecosystem. Has
Earth's Polar Regions
Earth's Polar Regions, Windows to the Universe, Do you wonder what Earth's Polar Regions are like? You can find excellent information on the Arctic and Southern oceans here; use the menu on the le
Habitat Awareness Antarctica Page
Habitat Awareness Antarctica Page,, Photos, a movie, and more introduces younger students to the Antarctica.
Polar Ecosystem
Polar Ecosystem, Wild Tracks, All-text page that has a description of the antarctic and the adaptations that animals have that enable them to live in the tough environment.
South Pole Live Camera
South Pole Live Camera, Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division,, View a time-lapse movie, live cam image, or images of past summer sessions.
Trash Threatens Fragile Antarctic Environment
Trash Threatens Fragile Antarctic Environment, February 12, 2013, By Mohi Kumar, Smithsonian Magazine Blog, "Decaying field huts, open pits of trash and oil-slicked beaches mar King George Islan
Welcome to Deception Island
Welcome to Deception Island, By Contributing Writer, Scribol, Photos and descriptions of the landscape of an Antarctica outcrop - Deception Island.
What's it like in Antarctica?
What's it like in Antarctica?, By Paul Ward,, Visit the website to find out "What it is like in Antarctica, landscape, weather, animals and plants"