Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature, which causes changes in the climate. If the earth is warmer, rainfall patterns will change which will have a wide range of impacts on wildlife, plants, and humans.

Atacama Changing: The Impact We're Having on the World's Driest Desert
Atacama Changing: The Impact We're Having on the World's Driest Desert, Written by Lisa Hossler, Scribol Staff, Photos scattered amongst information on the Atacama.
Climate: Sand dunes on the move in Navajo Nation
Climate: Sand dunes on the move in Navajo Nation, Posted on October 24, 2011, by Bob Berwyn, Summit County Citizens Voice, "Extended drought causing landscape-level changes in Southwest" Visit t
Gauging the Impact of Warming On Asia's Life-Giving Monsoons
Gauging the Impact of Warming On Asia's Life-Giving Monsoons, August 20, 2012 Report, By Christina Larson, Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. Article with photo
Global warming threatens desert life
Global warming threatens desert life, By Jeremy Hance,, November 09, 2009, All-text article.
UN: "desertification could displace 50 million people." Environmental Disaster?
UN: "desertification could displace 50 million people." Environmental Disaster?, Written by Chris, Scribol Staff, All-text article.
When The Water Ends: Africa's Climate Conflicts
When The Water Ends: Africa's Climate Conflicts, Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Video length: 16.00.