Find out what species have beneficial relationships with other species.

Anemonefish MarinePhage | March 10, 2010 Video length: 0:56.
Crabs Clean Up
Crabs Clean Up National Geographic Researchers have discovered that tiny crabs about a third of an inch (one centimeter) long take care of a huge job. They actually help keep coral reefs alive.
Goby and the shrimp
Goby and the shrimp thelning | December 03, 2009 Video length: 02:36.
Jellyfish Lake
Jellyfish Lake Jelly fish with algae that live within their cells? Apparently so; visit the web site to learn more.
Jellyfish lake, Palau
Jellyfish lake, Palau Video on Flickr A one minute video.
Reef - Symbiosis
Reef - Symbiosis ScubazooVideo | February 28, 2008 To survive underwater some animals have developed symbiotic relationships with other organisms. Cleaner shrimp offer their services to bigger a