Arctic beetles may be ideal marker of climate change
Arctic beetles may be ideal marker of climate change,
April 22, 2015,
McGill University,
Science Daily,
Researchers need to find ways to measure how the changes in climate are affecting biodiv
Barbary 'apes' out in the coldBarbary 'apes' out in the cold
By Dave Armstrong,
26 Jun 2013,
Earth Times Organization,
Article with a large photo.
Bee Tongues Are Getting Shorter as Temperatures Warm
Bee Tongues Are Getting Shorter as Temperatures Warm,
September 24, 2015,
By Rachel Nuwer,,
In Colorado, alpine bumblebee tongues are shrinking in response to shifting wildflow
Can Birds Survive Climate Change?Can Birds Survive Climate Change?,
February 08, 2013,
By Claire Martin,
Smithsonian Magazine Blog,
Article with two photos; click for closer view.
Can Ecological Corridors Heal Fragmented Landscapes?Can Ecological Corridors Heal Fragmented Landscapes?,
October 10, 2011 Report,
By Jim Robbins ,
Yale Environment, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,
All-text article.
Can Vulnerable Species Outrun Climate Change?
Can Vulnerable Species Outrun Climate Change?
November 3, 2011 Report
By Emma Marris
Environmental 360,
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
"Recent studies shed light on the key
Climate Change - Wildlife at Risk
Climate Change - Wildlife at Risk,
The Nature Conservancy,
Brief description on how species are migrating to cooler areas in order to survive.
Climate change affects ants and biodiversityClimate change affects ants and biodiversity
November 3, 2011
"Some people may consider them pests, but ants are key to many plants' survival."
Visit the website for the article.
Climate change threatening snow leopards
Climate change threatening snow leopards,
October 23, 2015,
BY Brooks Hays,,
NEW DELHI, Oct. 23 (UPI) -- Scientists with the World Wildlife Fund warn the snow leopard's habitat could s
Climate Change Threatens Tropical BirdsClimate Change Threatens Tropical Birds,
Released: 2/15/2012,
Source: University of Utah,,
All-text article.
Climate Change Will Accelerate Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction
Climate Change Will Accelerate Earth's Sixth Mass Extinction,
April 30, 2015,
By Sarah Zielinski,,
The pace at which species disappear is picking up as temperatures rise, and t
Climate Relicts: Seeking Clues On How Some Species SurviveClimate Relicts: Seeking Clues On How Some Species Survive,
August 29, 2011 Report,
By Carl Zimmer,
Environment 360,
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,
All-text article.
Exotic Monkey Is Extra Sensitive to WarmingExotic Monkey Is Extra Sensitive to Warming,
Mon Mar 5, 2012,
Content provided by Jennifer Welsh,
"Wild drill monkeys are having trouble surviving dry, warm temperatures."
Global warming drives birds northGlobal warming drives birds north,,
February 11, 2009,
Article with one photo.
Global warming: Can species be saved with relocations?
Global warming: Can species be saved with relocations?
Posted on August 11, 2011
by Bob Berwyn
Summit County Citizen Voice
"Researchers try to spell out a rational plan for so-called assisted
Greenland's Butterflies Are Shrinking as Temperatures Rise
Greenland's Butterflies Are Shrinking as Temperatures Rise,
October 6, 2015,
By Sarah Zielinski,,
In the high Arctic, hotter summer weather may be taxing insect metabolism
How climate change is killing penguin chicks in Argentina
How climate change is killing penguin chicks in Argentina
By Laura Poppick, LiveScience,
Jan 30, 2014,
Mother Nature Network,
"For the young birds that have not yet developed their waterproof
One in six species faces extinction from climate change
One in six species faces extinction from climate change,
April 30, 2015,
The Telegraph,
Global temperature rise of four degrees Celsius could spell disaster for a huge number of species around
Sea Otters May Be Global Warming WarriorsSea Otters May Be Global Warming Warriors
Mon Sep 10, 2012,
Content provided by Megan Gannon, LiveScience,
Discovery News,
All-text article.
Small Problem: Bison Shrink as Planet WarmsSmall Problem: Bison Shrink as Planet Warms,
June 24, 2013,
By Laura Poppick,
LiveScience Staff Writer,
Article with photo; click for larger version.
Warming Arctic is trouble for Caribou in unexpected wayWarming Arctic is trouble for Caribou in unexpected way,
September 20, 2015,,
Global warming in the Arctic means earlier and more plentiful mosquitoes in Greenland, and that's bad ne