'Grey Swan' Hurricanes Pose Future Storm Surge Threat
'Grey Swan' Hurricanes Pose Future Storm Surge Threat, September 2, 2015, By Andrea Thompson, Climate Central, Discovery News, 'Grey swan' hurricanes, those without precedent but that could be p
A Tale of Two Northern European Cities: Meeting the Challenge of Sea Level Rise
A Tale of Two Northern European Cities: Meeting the Challenge of Sea Level Rise, November 3, 2015, Environment 360 Photo Gallery, For centuries, Rotterdam and Hamburg have had to contend with
Climate Change Threatens NASA's Launch Sites
Climate Change Threatens NASA's Launch Sites, September 23, 2015, By Patrick J Kiger, Discovery News, Launch pads could end up underwater due to sea level rise, officials warn.
Climate Change: Countries That May Be Hit Hardest
Climate Change: Countries That May Be Hit Hardest Posted: 08/14/2012 12:50 pm Updated: 08/14/2012 1:40 pm By Jeremy Hsu, InnovationNewsDaily Senior Writer Huffington Post Blog "Rising seas thr
Ecuador in new probe to see if climate change worsens El Nino
Ecuador in new probe to see if climate change worsens El Nino, October 9, 2013, By by Héctor Velasco, Phys.org Think Galapagos and you think nature in its most pristine expression. But the dest
Fast-Warming Gulf of Maine Offers Hint of Future for Oceans
Fast-Warming Gulf of Maine Offers Hint of Future for Oceans, November17, 2014, By Rebecca Kessler, freelance journalist, Yale Environment 360, The waters off the coast of New England are warmi
Five Lost Cities Of The Future
Five Lost Cities Of The Future, Written by whatsrequired, Scribol Staff, "Five American cities which in the distant future could be reclaimed by nature." Visit the website for photos and to le
Florida Counties Band Together To Ready for Warming's Effects
Florida Counties Band Together To Ready for Warming's Effects January 12, 2012: Report By Michael D. Lemonick, for Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies "While U.S.
Florida Counties Band Together To Ready for Warming's Effects
Florida Counties Band Together To Ready for Warming's Effects, January 12, 2012 Report, By Michael D. Lemonick, Yale Environment 360, While U.S. action on climate change remains stalled, four so
Florida's mangrove forests expand with climate change
Florida's mangrove forests expand with climate change, By Tia Ghose, LiveScience, Jan 02, 2014, Mother Nature Network, "Scientists aren't sure what this expansion means for surrounding human c
Global Warming Effects on Sea Level
Global Warming Effects on Sea Level Climate Hop Map Union of Concerned Scientists "Higher seas endanger coastal communities-where 40 percent of the world's population lives-and threaten groundwat
Global warming: Europeans see serious coastal threats
Global warming: Europeans see serious coastal threats Posted on September 27, 2011, by Bob Berwyn Summit County Citizens Voice "Some beach communties are pumping sand along beaches to try and ke
Hawaii in Climate Change Bullseye
Hawaii in Climate Change Bullseye May 15, 2013, BY LARRY O'HANLON, Discovery News Tropical cyclones of the future may have the Hawaiian islands in their cross hairs.
How Bangladesh is Adapting to Rising Sea Levels
How Bangladesh is Adapting to Rising Sea Levels, Written by Michele Collet, Scribol Staff, "By 2050-2100, 136 sea ports are expected to lose portions of their land as they are submerged by rising
How the Dutch Are Facing the Threat of Flooding Due to Global Warming
How the Dutch Are Facing the Threat of Flooding Due to Global Warming, Written by: Lisa Hossler, Scribol Staff "The Netherlands is being proactive in its response to the threat of flooding due to
If Greenland's Ice Melts, Sea Levels Rise 23 Feet | Video
If Greenland's Ice Melts, Sea Levels Rise 23 Feet | Video, Live Science, Video length: 03:45.
Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost Video NOW on PBS For many island nations like Kiribati and Niue in the South Pacific, climate change is already more than just a theory -- it is a pressing, menacing reality.
Rising Seas Threaten to Swallow These Ten Global Wonders
Rising Seas Threaten to Swallow These Ten Global Wonders, September 22, 2015, By Helen Thompson, Smithsonian.com, Climate change-induced increases in sea level are forcing archaeologists and c
Rising Seas Will Affect Major US Coastal Cities by 2100, New Research Finds
Rising Seas Will Affect Major US Coastal Cities by 2100, New Research Finds ScienceDaily Feb. 15, 2011 "Rising sea levels could threaten an average of 9 percent of the land within 180 U.S. coa
Scientists Foresee Losses as Cities Fight Beach Erosion
Scientists Foresee Losses as Cities Fight Beach Erosion, August 12, 2015, By Alison Kanski, ClimateCentral.org, Beaches are facing off against a changing climate, and they're losing ground. Li
Sea Level Rise to Alter Economics of California Beaches
Sea Level Rise to Alter Economics of California Beaches February 28, 2012 By Erin McKenzie, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Standards Duke University "Rising sea levels are likel
Sea level rise to be costly for California
Sea level rise to be costly for California Posted on September 14, 2011 by Bob Berwyn Summit County Citizens Voice "New study pinpoints economic impacts to beach communities" Visit the webs
Sea level rise will swallow Miami, New Orleans, study finds
Sea level rise will swallow Miami, New Orleans, study finds, October 12, 2015, Phys.org, Say goodbye to Miami and New Orleans. No matter what we do to curb global warming, these and other belov
Sea rise threatens Florida coast, but no statewide plan
Sea rise threatens Florida coast, but no statewide plan, February 4, 2015, John Raoux / AP, Tidewater Review, St. Augustine's centuries-old Spanish fortress and other national landmarks sit fe
Submerged Cities Seen in Worst-Case Climate Scenario
Submerged Cities Seen in Worst-Case Climate Scenario, September 11, 2015, By Bobby Magill, DiscoveryNews.com, Imagine a world where all the Earth's coastal cities are submerged beneath nearly
This Community In Alaska Is Relocating Because Of Climate Change
This Community In Alaska Is Relocating Because Of Climate Change, October 6, 2015, By Jess Colarossi, ThinkProgress.org, As erosion and rising seas destroy their land, residents of Newtok, Ala
Too Big to Flood? Megacities Face Future of Major Storm Risk
Too Big to Flood? Megacities Face Future of Major Storm Risk December 27, 2012 Report, By Bruce Stutz, Yale Environment 360, As economic activity and populations continue to expand in coastal
What Will Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Mean for Barrier Islands?
What Will Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Mean for Barrier Islands? NASA.gov "A new survey of barrier islands published earlier this spring offers the most thorough assessment to date of the t