Mideast Desert Sands Could Store Solar Energy
Mideast Desert Sands Could Store Solar Energy, January 12, 2016, By Patrick J Kiger, Seeker.com The region is rich in fossil fuels, but it also could be a major renewable source.
NOVA Online/Lost City of Arabia/Desert Finds
NOVA Online/Lost City of Arabia/Desert Finds, PBS.org, Interactive activity. Can you find the lost city of Arabia?
Rub Al Khali Video
Rub Al Khali Video, Posted by amm009uk, YouTube.com, Duration: 8:56
The Fearful Beauty of Rub al-Khali!
The Fearful Beauty of Rub al-Khali!, 100-beautiful-sites-in-the-world.com, Rub al-Khali means 'Empty Quarter'; visit the website for article.
The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth
The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth, September 4, 2008, article by Avi Abrams, Dark Roasted Blend, "Socotra Island: you have to see it to believe it" Wonderful photographs of alien-looking pla
Uncovering the Truth Behind the Camel Spider
Uncovering the Truth Behind the Camel Spider, By Contributing Writer, Scribol staff, "Desert camel spiders have become legends due to their appearance. Here are the truths behind the myths that h