Omnivores eat both plant and other animals.
Amphipod Under Arctic Sea IceAmphipod Under Arctic Sea Ice,
Ocean Portal,
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History,
Large photo with description.
Gammarus wilkitzkiiGammarus wilkitzkii,
Arctic Ocean Diversity,
Page Author: Bodil Bluhm,
Combination of text and image describing this dark eyed omnivore with a transparent to whitish body; click on image for larg
Onisimus glacialisOnisimus glacialis,
Page Author: Bodil Bluhm,
Arctic Ocean Biodiversity,
Combination of text and image describing this red eyed omnivore with a transparent to whitish body; click on image for lar
Onisimus nanseniOnisimus nanseni,
Page Author: Bodil Bluhm,
Arctic Ocean Biodiversity,
Combination of text and image describing this red eyed omnivore with a transparent to whitish body; click on image for large