Decomposers like worms, fungi, soil bacteria, and earthworms are the recyclers of dead material on the forest floor. Without decomposers, dead material would be insurmountable. Find out how these decomposers do their job.

Banana Slug - Wikipedia
Banana Slug,, Article with several good photos; click to enlarge.
Banana Slug in a Rush - YouTube
Banana Slug in a Rush, Posted by Scott Broadbent,, Video length: 01:10.
Decomposers, NatureWorks
Decomposers, NatureWorks, Image Credits:, New Hampshire Public Television, Photos and information on fungi and bacteria.
Dung beetle, Wikipedia
Dung beetle,, Article with several good photos; click to enlarge.
Earthworms and their relatives
Earthworms and their relatives, BioKIDS, Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Museum of Zoology University of Michigan, Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they
EduPic Beetle Images
Beetle Images EduPic Graphical Resource Visit the web site for photos; click on them to enlarge.
Foliose Lichen - CalPhotos
Foliose Lichen University of California, Berkeley Visit the web site for photos.
Millipede, Enchanted Learning, Labeled illustration and information for younger students.
Termites, BioKids, University of Michigan, Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats them, and more.