Decomposers like worms, fungi, soil bacteria, and earthworms are the recyclers of dead material on the forest floor. Without them, dead material would be insurmountable. Find out how these decomposers do their job.

Banana Slug
Banana Slug,, Article with several photos; click to enlarge.
Banana Slug in a Rush - YouTube
Banana Slug in a Rush, Submitted by: mr152,, Video length: 01:11.
Decomposers, NatureWorks
Decomposers, NatureWorks, Image Credits:, New Hampshire Public Television, General description and photos on fungi, bacteria, and earthworms.
Dung beetle, Wikipedia
Dung beetle,, Article with brief video and photos; click to enlarge.
Earthworm - Enchanted Learning
Earthworm,, Labeled illustration and information for younger students.
EduPic Beetle Images
Beetle Images EduPic Graphical Resource Numerous photos of beetles; click on an image for larger version.
Kid's Corner - Decomposers
Kid's Corner - Decomposers, Sheppard Software, Do you wonder what role decomposers have in the food chain? You'll find out here.
Millipede, Enchanted Learning, Labeled illustration and information for younger students.
Millipedes - Class Diplopoda, By Phil Myers, Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan useum of Zoology, Several close-up illustrations; click to enlarge.
MykoWeb: Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology
MykoWeb: Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology, by Michael Wood, If you need photographs for a report, this is an awesome resource!!
Snow Plant (Sarcodes sanguinea Torr.)
Snow Plant (Sarcodes sanguinea Torr.), By Forest Jay Gauna, US Forest Service, Photo and description.
Underground Adventure - Meet the Creepy Criters
Underground Adventure - Meet the Creepy Criters, The Field Museum, Chicago, Underground Adventures provides a virtual tour of the exhibit the Museum previously had. Here you'll shrink down to 1/10