Food chains and food webs illustrate how different specie get energy. Herbivores in North American deserts include big horn sheep, butterflies, harvester ants, weevils, bees, turtles, birds, rabbits and deer.

Aggressive nightlife of the Kangaroo Rat - Attenborough - BBC
Aggressive nightlife of the Kangaroo Rat, Attenborough - BBC, Video length: 02:30.
Aphids BioKIDS Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species Museum of Zoology University of Michigan Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats them,
Baby Gambels Quail
Baby Gambels Quail, Photos by Clayton Esterson,, Click on a photo to enlarge.
Bighorn Sheep
Bighorn Sheep Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis) are beautiful and majestic creatures, with rams having large brown horns curling around, under and forward. They are typically fo
Bighorn Sheep
Bighorn Sheep, Desert USA, Photos and description. There are links to 3 movies towards the bottom of the page.
Bighorn Sheep
Bighorn Sheep, Desert USA, Wonderful article that covers its range, description, features, behavior, habitat, food, and breeding. There are also numerous photos and several videos.
Butterflies and moths
Butterflies and moths BioKIDS Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species Museum of Zoology University of Michigan Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, w
Chuckwallas,, Pictures, description, and map showing the lizard's distribution.
Chukar - Alectoris chukar
Chukar - Alectoris chukar, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: unless otherwise noted, Visit the website for photos and to learn about its characteristics, r
Collared Peccary
Collared Peccary,, Images and descriptions of its behavior, habitat, food & hunting, breeding, and more.
Common Chuckwalla
Common Chuckwalla Website by Thomas C. Brennan Mohave Desertscrub communities. Populations in the upper Grand Canyon and Glen Canyon are within Great Basin Desertscrub. In som
Costa's Hummingbird
Costa's Hummingbird, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Visit the website for photographs, description, and learn about its habitat, behavior, nesting, food habits, and more.
Desert Bighorn Sheep
Desert Bighorn Sheep, West Tisbury Elementary School,, Great page! One photo and in-depth article.
Desert Cottontail
Desert Cottontail, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: unless otherwise noted, Visit the website for photos and to learn about its characteristics, range, ha
Desert Cottontail Rabbit
Desert Cottontail Rabbit,, Click the photo to begin a slide show.
Desert Tortoise
Desert Tortoise,, Several really close-up photos and information on its range, longevity, burrows, diet, and much more.
Desert Tortoise
Desert Tortoise,, Article with photos; click to enlarge.
Desert Tortoise
Desert Tortoise, Tisbury Elementary School,, Created by students, this page has a photo and description.
Desert Tortoise
Desert Tortoise, Photo by USFWS, Defenders of Wildlife, Photos, fast facts, and information on its diet, habitat, range, behavior, and reproduction.
Desert Tortoise Printout
Desert Tortoise, Enchanted Learning, A labeled illustration along with information on its behavior, anatomy, diet, and reproduction for younger students.
Gambel's Quail
Gambel's Quail, Photo by Kevin T. Karlson, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Visit the website for photographs, description, and learn about its habitat, behavior, nesting, food ha
Gambel's quail
Gambel's quail, By Matthew Thomson, Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Visit the website for photos (click for enlargement) and to learn about its habitat, lifespan,
Grasshoppers, BioKIDS, Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats t
Grasshoppers BioKIDS Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species Museum of Zoology University of Michigan Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats
Hatching of a Mojave Desert Tortoise - YouTube
Hatching of a Mojave Desert Tortoise, USGS,, Video length: 04:50.
Hawks Act as Unwitting Muscle for Hummingbirds
Hawks Act as Unwitting Muscle for Hummingbirds, September 4, 2015, By Rachel Nuwer,, In Arizona, hummingbirds seem to deliberately seek out bodyguard hawks to shield them from ne
Herbivores, BBC - Wildlife Finder, Visit the site for plant eating animals.
Jack Rabbits - Desert USA
Jack Rabbits,, Photos, video, and information on range, habitat, life cycle, and more,
Kangaroo Rats - DesertUSA
Kangaroo Rats,, Close-up photo and description.
Lizards of the Valley of Fire
Lizards of the Valley of Fire Great photos, with descriptions on where they were photographed.
Phainopepla, Southwest USA
Phainopepla, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Visit the website for photographs, description, and learn about its habitat, behavior, nesting, food habits, and more.
Pronghorn, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: unless otherwise noted, Visit the website for photos and to learn about its characteristics, range, habitat, d
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Retold in Pictures
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Retold in Pictures, Written by Simone Preuss, SCribol staff, Ever wondered what caterpillar's eat? Check this page out!!
Tortuga The Desert Tortoise
Tortuga The Desert Tortoise, Posted by Bravermanfab,, Video length: 05:21. This turtle is about 50 years old!!
Wild Burro
Wild Burro, Desert USA, Range Photos, video, and article that provides a description and information on its range, habitat, and life cycle.