Herbivores in the Arctic are krill, shrimp, small fish, and squid. Learn about the Arctic food chain by following the flow of energy.

Apherusa glacialis
Apherusa glacialis, Page Author: Bodil Bluhm, Arctic Ocean Diversity, Image and text describing this large-eyed herbivore with a transparent body.
Copepod, Enchanted Learning, Labeled illustration and information for younger students.
Onisimus litoralis
Onisimus litoralis, Page Author: Bodil Bluhm, Arctic Ocean Biodiversity, Combination of text and image describing this red eyed herbivore with a yellowish-pinkish to light grey body; click on ima
Other Crustaceans
Other Crustaceans Windows Team Windows to the Universe Crabs aren't the only crustaceans in the sea! The Cirripedia class is also very common. You probably know this class by its more common na
Pteropods: Very Small and Very Important
Pteropods: Very Small and Very Important, Video Story by Jennifer Morton for QUEST Northwest, Feb 25, 2014, Video length: 02:40.