'Gateway to Hell': Sinkholes Open Across Earth
'Gateway to Hell': Sinkholes Open Across Earth,
NBC News,
A look at some of the most astonishing sinkholes which have turned up around the world.
13 amazing sinkholes
13 amazing sinkholes,
Mother Nature Network,
"Some of the world's most famous sinkholes are seemingly endless pits that swallow trees, cars and entire buildings - dangerously altering the landsc
3 sinkholes forming3 sinkholes forming,
June 25, 2012,
Uploaded by 4kmpesola,,
Video length: 05:51.
3 sinkholes formed in a retention pond in Ocala, FL this afternoon. The total process was less tha
Incredible Sinkholes Around the World
Incredible Sinkholes Around the World,
ABC News,
Awesome photos - 42 of them from the U.S., Russia, China, Siberia, Canada, Guatemale, New Zealand, and other areas.
Notes from UndergroundNotes from Underground,
March 18, 2013,
By David Owen,
The New Yorker,
This article discusses sinkholes in Florida. It's interesting but lengthy.
Photos: Giant Sinkholes Along the Dead Sea
Photos: Giant Sinkholes Along the Dead Sea,
April 6, 2015,
By Tanya Lewis, Staff Writer,
Live Science,
"The Dead Sea, famous for salty water (almost 10 times as salty as the ocean), and for ha
Sinkhole swallows snowplow - Video
Sinkhole swallows snowplow,
February 21, 2015,
New Jersey homeowners were shocked when a sinkhole swallowed a snowplow outside their front doors this week. WFMZ has the story.
What Are Sinkholes?
What Are Sinkholes?,
March 15, 2014,
By Stephanie Pappas, Senior Writer,
Live Science,
"They've swallowed Corvettes in Kentucky, condos in Florida and homes in Texas. Clearly, sinkholes are no