
Arctic Permafrost May Help Us Adapt to Climate Change
Arctic Permafrost May Help Us Adapt to Climate Change, April 9, 2015, By Jenna Iacurci, Nature World News, Scientists have long feared that as the world gets warmer, thawing permafrost may lead
Huge permafrost thaw can be limited by ambitious climate targets
Huge permafrost thaw can be limited by ambitious climate targets April 2017, University of Leeds Global warming will thaw about 20% more permafrost than previously thought, scientists have warn
Most of Alaska's Permafrost Could Melt This Century
Most of Alaska's Permafrost Could Melt This Century, December 18, 2014, By Tia Ghose, Senior Writer, Article with 03:36 video.
Permafrost 'carbon bomb' may be more of a slow burn, say scientists
Permafrost 'carbon bomb' may be more of a slow burn, say scientists, April 9, 2015, By Karl Mathiesen, The Guardian, Combination of text, images, and illustration.
Permafrost Could Be Climate's Ticking Time Bomb
Permafrost Could Be Climate's Ticking Time Bomb, July 24, 2009, By Amanda Morris, Live Science, Article provides a 'Behind the Scenes' look at permafrost thawing.
Permafrost In a Warming World
Permafrost In a Warming World,, Comprehensive page on permafrost that includes text, clickable images, and video.
Siberia's Permafrost Is Exploding. Is Alaska's Next?
Siberia's Permafrost Is Exploding. Is Alaska's Next?, April 2, 2015, By Eric Halthaus,, Combination of text, photos, and videos.
Why melting permafrost could cost $43 trillion
Why melting permafrost could cost $43 trillion, September 22, 2015, By Eva Botkin-Kowacki, Staff writer, The Christian Science Monitor, Arctic permafrost traps much of the world's carbon dioxi