The top carnivores in the Africa deserts are lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, and wild cats. Cheetahs are the fastest animal on earth; they eat impalas, gazelles, rabbits, and birds. Lions do their hunting at night; they hunt antelopes, zebra, wildebeest, and warthogs. Hyenas are meat eaters and scavengers; they hunt wildebeest, zebra, gazelle, and buffalo. Find out how the energy flows throughout the desert ecosystem.

A Kalahari lion in the Pumba Game Reserve in South Africa - YouTube
A Kalahari lion in the Pumba Game Reserve in South Africa,, Video length: 0.41.
Cheetah Food Chain
Cheetah Food Chain Great article, with photos.
Cheetah vs. Gazelle
Cheetah vs. Gazelle, Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 02:58.
Cheetah: Built for Speed
Cheetah: Built for Speed, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 02:05.
Cheetahs vs. Hyena
Cheetahs vs. Hyena, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 03:10.
Cheetahs vs. Warthog
Cheetahs vs. Warthog, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 02:03.
Hungry baboons hunting - Elephant Nomads of the Namib Desert - BBC
Hungry baboons hunting - Elephant Nomads of the Namib Desert, BBCEarth, April 01, 2010, Video length: 02:03.
Hyena - AWF Wildlife
Hyena American Wildlife Foundation Habitat Spotted hyenas are found in grasslands, woodlands, savannas, subdeserts, forest edges and mountains. Diet The spotted hyena is a skillful hunter
Kalahari lions
Kalahari lions,, All-text article describing the lions.
Life: Cheetahs Hunt Ostrich : Video : Discovery Channel
Life: Cheetahs Hunt Ostrich, Discovery Channel Video length: 02:39.
Lions Video Clip
Lions Video Clip Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Please visit the web site for the video clip and to learn more.
Panthera pardus, leopard
Panthera pardus, leopard, By LeeAnn Bies, Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Visit the website for photos (click for enlargement) and to learn about its habitat, lif
Spotted Hyena
Spotted Hyena, By Jason Law, Animal Diversity Web, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Visit the website for photos (click for enlargement) and to learn about its habitat, lifespan, beh
Survival Guide: Serengeti: Tanzania Serengeti National Park Video
Survival Guide: Serengeti: Tanzania Serengeti National Park, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 01:43.
The Desert Lions: Introduction
The Desert Lions: Introduction, PBS Nature Series, "In the forbidding Namib Desert, along the Skeleton Coast of Namibia, Dr. Philip (Flip) Stander tracks a mysterious and remarkable quarry: lions.
Tsavo Lions: Aggressive?
Tsavo Lions: Aggressive?, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 03:00.