Coral reefs are often referred to as the rain forest of the marine world; thousands of species inhabit coral reefs. Reefs are built by coral organisms that leave their skeleton behind when they die. Corals grow best in warmer water; they can be found in more than 100 countries world wide.
10 Beautiful Endangered Corals10 Beautiful Endangered Corals,
Written by Michele Collet,
Scribol Staff,
Stunning photos with descriptions that explain their location.
10 of the world's most spectacular artificial reefs 10 of the world's most spectacular artificial reefs,
Text: Bryan Nelson,
Mother Nature Network,
Amazing photographs with brief descriptions. Not all ideas have turned out good though.
A Swim Through the Ocean's FutureA Swim Through the Ocean's Future,
By Christopher Pala,
September 17, 2009,,
Article with photo gallery.
Ancient Coral Ecosystems Prove ResilientAncient Coral Ecosystems Prove Resilient,
August 16, 2010,
By David Skoumbourdis,
Epoch Times Staff,
Brief article with image; click to enlarge.
Ancient Coral Reef DiscoveredAncient Coral Reef Discovered,
September 1, 2010,
By Loretta Duchamps,
Epoch Times Staff,
Brief article with image; click to enlarge.
Animation of Coral Reef AtollAnimation of Coral Reef Atoll,
NOAA Ocean Service Education,
"This animation shows the dynamic process of how a coral atoll forms."
Atlantic Coral Reefs Are No Match for This LionAtlantic Coral Reefs Are No Match for This Lion,
by Lisa Gardiner,
Windows to the Universe,
Read and learn about the red lionfish; click on image to enlarge.
Atlantic Corals: Colorful and Vulnerable
Atlantic Corals: Colorful and Vulnerable,
February 9, 2015,
By James Gorman,
The New York Times,
Article with photo gallery.
Basic Coral BiologyBasic Coral Biology,
Bermuda Biological Station for Research and College of Exploration,
Illustration and explanation of hard and soft corals.
Bizarre Bubbles Invade the Ocean FloorBizarre Bubbles Invade the Ocean Floor,
Karl Fabricius,
Scribol Staff,
Stunning photos and descriptions of bubble coral.
Bleaching leaves Lord Howe reef 'on knife edge'Bleaching leaves Lord Howe reef 'on knife edge',
By Sarah Clarke,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
Article with image; click to enlarge.
BU Students Discover Corals in Unlikely Place
BU Students Discover Corals in Unlikely Place,
September 25, 2015,
By Rich Barlow,
Boston University,
Read how BU students looked for and found corals among mangrove forests while they snorkel
Can 'super coral' save the world's reefs?
Can 'super coral' save the world's reefs?,
November 5, 2015,
By Story Hinckley, Staff,
The Christian Science Monitor,
Scientists with the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology are conducting an e
Collapsing Corals - The Why FilesCollapsing Corals - The Why Files,
By David J. Tenenbaum,
July 2008,
Article with photos.
Coral Discovery in Australia Rivals Great Barrier ReefCoral Discovery in Australia Rivals Great Barrier Reef,
September 2, 2015,
Discovery News,
A deep sea robot finds marine life rivaling that found at the Great Barrier Reef.
Coral GardensCoral Gardens,
By Emily Sohn,
March 1, 2006,
Science News for Kids,
Article with colorful photos.
Coral Gardens in the Dark DepthsCoral Gardens in the Dark Depths,
By Lauren S. Mullineaux, Senior Scientist, & Susan W. Mills, Research Associate,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Oceanus Magazine,
Interesting article wit
Coral Reef Adventure - FAQCoral Reef Adventure - FAQ,
By MacGillivray Freeman Films,
Mostly text with one illustration.
Coral Reefs 101 Coral Reefs 101,,
For younger students.
Coral Reefs Biome
Coral Reefs Biome
by Jonas Stenstrom
Videos, photographs, and text explaining and illustrating coral reefs.
Coral reefs in Caribbean on life supportCoral reefs in Caribbean on life support,
By Jeremy Hance,
September 11, 2012,,
Article with photo.
Coral Reefs on a Changing PlanetCoral Reefs on a Changing Planet,
by Lisa Gardiner,
Windows to the Universe,
Great site for studens!! Click on the image to enlarge.
Corals Worldwide Hit by Bleaching [Slide Show]
Corals Worldwide Hit by Bleaching [Slide Show],
Scientific American,
Warm ocean waters combine with El NiƱo to turn reefs a stark white
Fisheye View Coral Reef Cam Fisheye View Coral Reef Cam,
Quantum Leap Network, Inc.
"A living reef aquarium featuring corals, invertebrates and tropical fish with live images and video, archived images, time-lapse movies and
Fishing impacts on the Great Barrier Reef
Fishing impacts on the Great Barrier Reef,
April 25, 2015,,
New research shows that fishing is having a significant impact on the make-up of fish populations of the Great Barrier Reef.
Flat-Topped Coral Shows Up in HawaiiFlat-Topped Coral Shows Up in Hawaii,
August 9, 2013,
By Laura Poppick, Staff Writer,,
Article with image (click for full size).
Florida's Coral ReefsFlorida's Coral Reefs,
Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Article with photos.
Fringing ReefFringing Reef,,
Article with images; click for a larger version.
Great Barrier Reef Coral Bleaching is 'Worst in its History'
Great Barrier Reef Coral Bleaching is 'Worst in its History,'
April 1, 2016,
by Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer,,
Australia's Great Barrier Reef corals are in trouble, with t
Great Barrier Reef: Facts, Location & AnimalsGreat Barrier Reef: Facts, Location & Animals,
By Kim Ann Zimmermann,
LiveScience Contributor,
September 14, 2012,
Article with image; click for larger version.
How Coral Reefs WorkHow Coral Reefs Work,
by Jennifer Horton,,
Tons of information on corals; scroll from page to page for photos, videos, and to learn more.
How Do Coral Reefs FormHow Do Coral Reefs Form
Updated January 30, 2019
By Jennifer Kennedy,
All-text article.
Huge Coral Reefs Discovered off Puerto RicoHuge Coral Reefs Discovered off Puerto Rico,
OurAmazingPlanet Staff,
Date: 05 January 2011,
Live Science,
Article with photo.
In Fight to Save Coral Reefs, Finding Strategies that WorkIn Fight to Save Coral Reefs, Finding Strategies that Work,
March 13, 2012 Interview,
By Kevin Dennehy,
Yale Environment 360,
Transcript of an interview with marine biologist Nancy Knowlton. The
Is the End in Sight for The World's Coral Reefs?Is the End in Sight for The World's Coral Reefs?,
December 6, 2010 Analysis,
By J.E.N. Veron,
Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,
Article with photo gallery.
Kids Do Ecology - Coral Reef Kids Do Ecology - Coral Reef,
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis,
University of California, Santa Barbara,
For younger students.
Microdocs: How Reefs Protect the LandMicrodocs: How Reefs Protect the Land,
Stanford University,
You'll find a series of short videos on coral reefs that Stanford says is for "short attention span" viewers.
Microdocs: Sustainability on Coral ReefsMicrodocs: Sustainability on Coral Reefs,
By Steve Palumbi, Marine Biologist,
Stanford University,
Interesting videos and text on coral reef's sustainability. Videos were filmed on Ofu Island, Am
NOAA: Coral bleaching has gone global for the third time everNOAA: Coral bleaching has gone global for the third time ever,
October 8, 2015,
By Michael Casey,
Fox News Science,
Coral bleaching brought on by record ocean temperatures is hitting reefs aroun
Norfolk Canyon yields deep-sea coral surprises
Norfolk Canyon yields deep-sea coral surprises,
By Tamara Dietrich, Contact Reporter,,
About 80 miles off the Virginia coast, the Continental Shelf drops off from a depth of 600
Of Coral Reefs and AtollsOf Coral Reefs and Atolls,
by Dr. Wolf Berger, Professor of Oceanography,
University of California, San Diego,
Read about and view photos of the 'stone gardens of tropical seas'.
One of World's Most Pristine Coral Reefs RevealedOne of World's Most Pristine Coral Reefs Revealed,
By Brett Israel,
09 June 2010,
Live Science,
Article with photo of the Millennium Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.
Open Brain Coral on the Ocean FloorOpen Brain Coral on the Ocean Floor,
By Karl Fabricius,
Scribol Staff,
Several large, colorful photos, with descriptions.
Photos: Underwater Google Street View Reveals Stunning CoralsPhotos: Underwater Google Street View Reveals Stunning Corals,
August 19, 2013,
Live Science Staff,
Google Maps has teamed up with the Catlin Seaview Survey to create 360-degree panoramas of cora
Plastic-Eating Corals in Australia Reef Raise ConcernsPlastic-Eating Corals in Australia Reef Raise Concerns,
February 24, 2015,
Discovery News,
"Scientists found plastic deep inside the coral and worried the substance could hurt the creature's abil
Raja Ampat Reefs, Indonesia
Raja Ampat Reefs, Indonesia,
By Tim Laman,
Wonderful close-up photos of corals and specie that inhabit the reef.
Rare Coral Discovered in Pacific OceanRare Coral Discovered in Pacific Ocean,
OurAmazingPlanet Staff,
Date: 07 August 2010,,
Article with photo.
Retired subway cars given a second life as artificial reefs
Retired subway cars given a second life as artificial reefs,
January 22, 2015,
By Catie Leary,
Mother Nature Network,
Stephen Mallon, Photographer,
Combination of photographs and text.
Scientists tinker with evolution to save Hawaii coral reefsScientists tinker with evolution to save Hawaii coral reefs,
November 5, 2015,,
COCONUT ISLAND, Hawaii (AP) - Scientists at a research center on Hawaii's Coconut Island have embarked o
Submarine Expedition to Explore Uncharted Caribbean ReefSubmarine Expedition to Explore Uncharted Caribbean Reef,
May 30, 2013,
By Douglas Main, Staff Writer,,
Text and photos on exploration of the Bonaire reef in the Caribbean Sea.
Tales of the CoastCoral Coast Ecosystems,
Tales of the Coast,
Brief descriptions of the Atlantic, Gulf (Florida Keys), and Hawaii coast coral ecosystems.
The Louder the Reef, the Better Its HealthThe Louder the Reef, the Better Its Health,
OurAmazingPlanet Staff,
25 September 2010,
Live Science,
All-text article.
The Struggle to Save the Caribbean's huge barrier reef
The Struggle to Save the Caribbean's huge barrier reef,,
November 28, 2014,
The Mesoamerican Reef is a wildlife haven threatened by tourism and overfishing, but it could be saved
Understanding reef systems at the genetic level
Understanding reef systems at the genetic level,
September 8, 2015,
By Christopher Packham,,
Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystems, biodiversity hotspots now under anthro
Welcome to the Coral ReefWelcome to the Coral Reef,
Grade 2,
Harcourt School Publishers,
Learn about the living things that inhabit a coral reef; move your mouse over an image to learn about each specie.
White pox diseaseWhite pox disease,,
Article with image; click to enlarge.
Worlds Apart: A Cautionary Tale of Two Coral AtollsWorlds Apart: A Cautionary Tale of Two Coral Atolls,
By Brett Israel,
OurAmazingPlanet Staff Writer,
All-text article on the marine life at two atolls in the Pacific Ocean.