The Savanna is mostly flat and a combination of grasslands, shrubs, and few trees. The savanna can be on either side of the equators and on the edge of tropical rainforests.

Agribusiness Boom Threatens Key African Wildlife Migration
Agribusiness Boom Threatens Key African Wildlife Migration, 07 MAR 2011: REPORT, By Fred Pearce, Yale Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, All-text article.
Australian Tropical Savanna Climate
Australian Tropical Savanna Climate, Tisbury Elementary School Students,, Created by students for students; read how the weather affects the plants and animals in Australia's
Biomes, Learning Center,, Learn about the grassland, forest, and Savannah biomes; each has one or more pictures.
Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Savanna Grassland
Biotic and Abiotic Factors in the Savanna Grassland, By Dana Schafer, eHow Contributor, Brief paragraphs on the biotic and abiotic components, soil, plants and animals.
East African Acacia Savannas
East African Acacia Savannas World Wild Fund for Nature Information and description on the varying eco-regions of the Acacia savannas. Scroll down to learn about the wildlife; links are provided
East African Acacia Savannas
East African Acacia Savannas, World Wild Fund for Nature, Information and description on the eco-regions of the Acacia savannas. Scroll down to learn about the wildlife; links are provided to othe
Fires regenerate African grassland
Fires regenerate African grassland, Source: Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, All-text article with one photo you can enlarge.
Fires Regenerate African Grassland
Fires Regenerate African Grassland, Kruger Park News, All-text article.
Great Annual Wildlife Migration
The Great Annual Wildlife Migration, By Anouk Zijlma, Guide, Text explains the migration process in Kenya & Tanzania; has three small photos.
Heartbreak on the Serengeti
Heartbreak on the Serengeti, February 2006, By By Robert M. Poole, Photograph by Randy Olson, National Geographic All-text article with photo gallery.
How to Make a Biome in a Box on the Savanna Grassland
How to Make a Biome in a Box on the Savanna Grassland, By Alyssa Brode, eHow Contributor, Step-by-step instructions.
Jane Goodall on Why We Should Help the Serengeti
Jane Goodall on Why We Should Help the Serengeti, By Andrew Keegan, for National Geographic, Published August 4, 2013, An interview with Jane Goodall.
JTScience - Savanna
JTScience - Savanna,, Small photos and descriptions of savanna wildlife, descriptions only of plants, and information on human threats.
Kids Do Ecology - Savanna
Kids Do Ecology - Savanna, For younger students.
Kimojino's photostream
Kimojino's photostream, by Joseph Kimojino, The Mara Conservancy, Fabulous gallery of large photographs taken in the Mara Triangle, a part of the Masai Mara game reserve, Kenya. Move your mouse o
Learn Savannas
Learn Savannas, Enviro North Org., Has three interactive learning modules.
More rain leads to fewer trees in the African savanna
More rain leads to fewer trees in the African savanna, October 19, 2015, by Angela Page for the Princeton Environmental Institute, Find out why 2011 satellite images showed fewer trees than resea
New Public Road to Split the Serengeti?
New Public Road to Split the Serengeti?, By Nicholas Wadhams in Nairobi, Kenya, for National Geographic News, Published August 17, 2010, All-text article.
Photos of savanna in Kenya
Photos of savanna in Kenya, By Rhett Butler,, Wonderful photographs; click to enlarge. May be used for school projects 'provided they are not altered in any form.'
Room 42 - Savannah Geography
Room 42 - Savannah Geography, Robert Frost Middle School Computer Class, A class project where students entered information next to each photo on Savannah geography.
Savanna, Learn on the Internet, Good discussion on Africa grasslands; check out the online activities.
Savanna Climate
Savanna Climate, West Tisbury Elementary School Students,, Created by students for students; read how the climate affects savanna's plants and animals.
Savanna to rainforest
Savanna to rainforest, Safari Patrol, This page describes the types of nature you may see while on safari in East Africa.
Savannah Ecology
Savannah Ecology, SUNDAY, 29 MAY 2011, Written by Colin Beale & Ethan Kinsey, Safari-Ecology Blog, Discover what the four processes are that shape the savannah biome worldwide.
Serengeti National Park - Tanzania
Serengeti National Park - Tanzania, by Tanzania National Park, Video length: 3:03.
SERENGETI part 1 of 5 (2004)
SERENGETI part 1 of 5 (2004), All rights belong to BBC, Video length: 9:46.
SERENGETI part 2 of 5 (2004)
SERENGETI part 2 of 5 (2004), All rights belong to BBC Nature Documentary hosted by Michael Praed and published by BBC broadcasted as part of BBC Natural World, Video length: 9:49.
SERENGETI part 3 of 5 (2004)
SERENGETI part 3 of 5 (2004), All rights belong to BBC, Video length: 9:48.
SERENGETI part 4 of 5 (2004)
SERENGETI part 4 of 5 (2004), Uploaded by russialeopard on Oct 11, 2010, All rights belong to BBC, Video length: 9:09.
SERENGETI part 5 of 5 (2004)
SERENGETI part 5 of 5 (2004), All rights belong to BBC, Video length: 9:50 minutes.
Serengeti Plains -
Serengeti Plains - Find over 15 questions and answers about the Serengeti at
Serengeti road scrapped over wildlife concerns
Serengeti road scrapped over wildlife concerns, By Richard Black, Environment correspondent, BBC News, All-text article.
Serengeti: The National Park's Official Website
Serengeti: The National Park's Official Website, Explore different aspects of the Serengeti and learn about its rivers, forests, plains, woodlands and the amazing wildlife.
The African Veldt and Savannah
The African Veldt and Savannah, By Sheri Amsel, Exploring Nature Educational Resource, "Detailed information about the The African Veldt and Savannah for grades K-8 students, educators and parent
The Surprising Role of CO2 in Changes on the African Savanna
The Surprising Role of CO2 in Changes on the African Savanna, June 13, 2013 Report, By Adam Welz, Yale Environment 360, All-text article with photo gallery.
Tropical Grasslands Ecosystems
Tropical Grasslands Ecosystems, Article by Terrie Schultz, Edited & published by Sarah Malburg,, All-text article.
Tropical Savannas
Tropical Savannas By Susan Woodward, Professor emerita of Geography Radford University All-text information on vegetation, climate, soil, fauna and more.
What are savannas?
What are savannas?, Curiosity @, Answered by Discovery Channel, Video length: 04:17.
What is Missing? part 2
What is Missing? part 2, By Maya Lin, Video length: 03:44 on mass extinction in different habitats. Very good!
What is the Savanna Biome?
What is the Savanna Biome?, Written by S. Mithra,, A combination of text, maps, and photos.
Wildebeest Migration Threatened
Wildebeest Migration Threatened, Surprising Science, September 3, 2010, Smithsonian Blog, All-text article.
Woodlands revival adds new piece to carbon cycle puzzle
Woodlands revival adds new piece to carbon cycle puzzle, April 9, 2015, By Tim Radford, Climate News Network, Growing number of trees on the world's savanna grasslands helps offset carbon stor
Write a short note on the tropical savannah region of biomes?
Write a short note on the tropical savannah region of biomes? Brief, concise article.