Masai Mara Game ReserveMasai Mara Game Reserve,
Africa Miracles,
Great website!! Check it out.
Tropical GrasslandTropical Grassland,
BBC Nature,
Photo, description, videos, and information on its plants and wildlife.
Tropical Grasslands Ecosystem
Tropical Grasslands Ecosystem,
Wild Tracks,
An all-text site describing where tropical grasslands are located, plant and animal adaptions.
Tropical Grasslands EcosystemTropical Grasslands Ecosystem,
Wild Tracks,
This all-text page tells you where the tropical grasslands are located and how plants and animals have adaptations that enable them to live in that envi
Where are Savannas Found?Where are Savannas Found?,
Student Project,
Brookings School District,
This is a travel brochure created by a student.