A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. Forests have a wide variety of specie that makes up its food chain. Where do plants fit in? Who are the primary consumers? What comes next in the food chain? Who are the decomposers? Get answers to all those questions here
American Black BearAmerican Black Bear,
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species,
Museum of Zoology University of Michigan,
Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what e
Forest Food WebForest Food Web
Oregon State University
A large interactive illustration showing plants and animals that inhabit the forest.
Click on the + to the left of the illustration to explore organisms w
Ruffed grouseRuffed grouse,
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species,
Museum of Zoology University of Michigan,
Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats th