A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. Discover who the producers and consumers are in a food chain. What part does photosynthesis play in the food chain? Who are the decomposers in a food chain and what is their role?

5 New Species of 'Slavemaker' Ants Discovered
5 New Species of 'Slavemaker' Ants Discovered, November 4, 2013, By Douglas Main, Staff Writer, LiveScience.com, Slavemaker ants raid other ant species' nests and steal their young. Visit the we
9(n). Organic Decomposition and the Detritus Food Chain
9(n). Organic Decomposition and the Detritus Food Chain, PhysicalGeography.net, The detritus food chain differs from the grazing food chain in several significant ways. Visit the website to learn
ALL ABOUT ENERGY - Energy Losses
ALL ABOUT ENERGY - Energy Losses, Science Encyclopedia for Kids, JRank Science & Philosophy, Through text, photos, and illustrations, this page explains what food chains and food webs are.
Are diatoms plants or animals?
Are diatoms plants or animals?, YouAskAndy.com, Visit the website for the answer.
autotroph Infoplease.com Encyclopedia article on autotrophs.
Autotroph, Wikipedia
Autotroph, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia An autotroph [α] is an organism that produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light (by photosynthesis) or
Autotrophs, Windows Team, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Regents of the University of Michigan, Images and text explaining autotrophs.
Biosphere: Food Chains
Biosphere: Food Chains, Geography4Kids.com, An introduction to food chains.
Birds of Prey Facts
Birds of Prey Facts, Dialogue for Kids, Idaho Public Television, The characteristics that make raptors different than other birds include their hooked beak, sharp talons, legs and feet, excellent
Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores
The Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores, The Open Door Web Site, Pictures and descriptions of each group in the food chain.
Competition, Golson Science Center, Read all about competition and how it keeps animal populations in check. It also shows what trees do to stay in the competition.
D4K Dialogue for kids - Food Web Facts
D4K Dialogue for kids - Food Web Facts, Idaho Public Television, Producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and the clean-up crew are all explained here through text and illustrations. Gre
Decomposer Wikipedia.org Good article on decomposers with a section on fungi; click on photo to enlarge.
Decomposers, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, A combination of text and images.
Decomposers and Scavengers
Decomposers and Scavengers, New Hampshire Public Television, Explains the role of decomposers and scavengers.
Do all plants do photosynthesis and use carbon dioxide?
Do all plants do photosynthesis and use carbon dioxide?, Ask Dr. Galapagos, FTexploring.com, Scroll down the page for illustrations and an in-depth answer.
Ecological Relationships
Ecological Relationships, Submitted by Gillian Rorhwell, World of Teaching, A Powerpoint presentation on things you need to know about relationships in an ecosystem or habitat.
Ecosystem: Food Chains
The Ecosystem: Food Chains, The Open Door Web Site, Wonderful website! A combination of text and photos.
Emerging Science Season 2 Episode 2 Part 1 Food Webs
Emerging Science Season 2 Episode 2 Part 1 Food Webs, Vermont Public Television, Video length: 14.00.
Energy in nature, energy in technology - FT Exploring
Energy in nature, energy in technology, By David Watson, FT Exploring, Great site!! A combination of photos, text, and illustrations.
Environmental Biology - Ecosystems
Environmental Biology - Ecosystems, Marietta College Department of Biology and Environmental Science, "The main concepts we are trying to get across in this section concern how energy moves throug
Explain the food chain of ecosystem?
Explain the food chain of ecosystem?, TheBigger.com, "Food Chain is the sequence of populations of an ecosystem which allows food and energy to go through it in a specified direction." Visit the w
Explain the trophic levels of the ecosystem?
Explain the trophic levels of the ecosystem?, TheBigger.com, Trophic levels "are defined as a step of food chains which are differentiated on the basis of their method to obtain the food." Visit t
Food Chain as an Example of a System
Food Chain as an Example of a System, PhysicalGeography.net, An illustration and text explaining the amount of energy each trophic level receives in a food chain.
Food Chain, Food Web and the Flow of Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Food Chain, Food Web and the Flow of Energy and Matter in Ecosystems, Biology-questions-and-answers.com, A review consisting of 24 questions and answers.
Food Chains
Food Chains, Zephyrus Interactive Education, Great site!!
Food Chains & Food Webs
Food Chains & Food Webs, Alan & Hui Meng, Parenting the Next Generation, Are you having problems understanding the difference between a carnivores, herbivore, and omnivore? This page may help you
Food Chains: EnchantedLearning.com
Food Chains and Food Webs, EnchantedLearning.com, Provides text, illustrations, and worksheets.
Food Web and Food Chain
Food Web and Food Chain Science Bob What is the difference between food chain and a food web? Visit the website to learn more.
Food Web Definition from Answers.com
Food Web Definition from Answers.com Scroll down to view a very detailed explanation of the food web concept.
Food Web,
Food Web, Harvard Forest Classroom Laboratory, Photos illustrating what ants eat and what eats them.
Food Webs
Food Webs, Submitted by Carolyn Kinne, World of Teaching, A Powerpoint presentation with good graphics and easy-to-understand information.
Food Webs and Food Chain
Food Webs and Food Chain, ScienceBob.com, Part of a Q&A series, this page provides an explanation of food webs and food chain and an illustration of the two when you click on "Show Me Pictures."
Herbivores, The Open Door Web Site, "Herbivorous animals are adapted to eat vegetation." Page includes pictures and descriptions of various herbivores.
How Animals Feed
How Animals Feed, The Open Door Web Site, "The way an animal feeds mainly depends on its diet." This page includes photos and information on several carnivores.
How Animals Meet Their Needs
How Animals Meet Their Needs Harcourt School Publishers Interactive game on how animals meet their needs. Read the instructions before you start the game.
How Does Energy Flow through a Food Chain?
How Does Energy Flow through a Food Chain?, By Ethan Shaw. Scoemcing, Descriptions and examples of primary producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and decomposers.
How the Loss of Predators Could Devastate the Earth's Ecosystems
How the Loss of Predators Could Devastate the Earth's Ecosystems, By Contributing Writer, Scribol, "The loss of top predators is leading to a massive downward spiral in most of our ecosystems."
In Their Natural Habitats
In Their Natural Habitats, Submitted by Hina Hashmi, World of Teaching, A Powerpoint presentation on how and why animals live in habitats that they are most suited for.
Kid's Corner - Food Chain Game
Kid's Corner - Food Chain Game, Sheppard Software, You can review food chains before you start the game if you need to; just scroll down and click on the illustration labeled "Food Chain". If you
Lazear Science After School Program
Lazear Science After School Program, The top section of this page discusses the energy flow through an ecosystem. There are several illustrations of food chains showing how energy flows from animal
Mazes - What Do I Eat?
Mazes - What Do I Eat?, By Sheri Amsel, ExploringNature.org, Learn what different animals eat while testing your skills navigating a maze. Have fun! You'll need to print these mazes out to work o
Newton's Apple Video Clip - Photosynthesis
Newton's Apple Video Clip - Photosynthesis, An overview and video.
Photosynthesis, by Lisa Gardiner, Windows to the Universe, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Text and illustrations explaining photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis - YouTube
Photosynthesis, Posted by mediasemantics, YouTube.com, Video length: 02:41.
Photosynthesis and energy in nature
Photosynthesis and energy in nature, Flying Turtle Exploring, Wonderful website! Combination of text and illustrations.
Photosynthesis Lesson
Photosynthesis Lesson, MySchoolhouse.com, Text and illustration explaining photosynthesis; includes interactive quiz.
Photosynthesis, energy pyramids, phytoplankton and food chains
Photosynthesis, energy pyramids, phytoplankton and food chains, David E. Watson, ftexploring.com, Wonderful website full of text and illustrations to help you learn the concepts.
Planetpals - The Food Chain
Planetpals - The Food Chain, by Judith Gorgone, Planetpals.com, A combination of text and illustration; for younger students.
Predator Facts
Predator Facts, Dialogue for Kids, Idaho Public Television, Great site on explaining what predators are. Find out where they live, their role, hunting strategies, and the different kinds there ar
Predator Vs Prey
Predator Vs Prey, By Contributing Writer, Scribol, Excellent photographs, with descriptions, of predators catching prey.
Sample Food Chains
Sample Food Chains EnchantedLearning.com Food chain illustrations for grassland, pond, and ocean.
Scavenger Wikipedia.org Scavenging, or necrophagy, is a carnivorous feeding behaviour in which a predator consumes corpses or carrion that were not killed to be eaten by the predator or others o
SchoolTube - Food Webs and Food Chains Made Simple Video
SchoolTube - Food Webs and Food Chains Made Simple, Created by West Vincent Elementary School, Video length: 04:11.
The Balance Of Predators And Prey Comes Down To Math
The Balance Of Predators And Prey Comes Down To Math, Newsy.com, Video length: 01:39.
The Crucial Role of Predators: A New Perspective on Ecology
The Crucial Role of Predators: A New Perspective on Ecology, September 15, 2011, By Caroline Fraser, Yale Environment 360, Article explains the vital role top predators play in ecosystems and th
The Ecosystem: The transfer of Energy in the Food Chain
The Ecosystem: The transfer of Energy in the Food Chain, By the Open Door Team, Open Door Web Site, Text and illustrations showing what percentage of energy is passed down to lower levels in a fo
The Flow of Energy: Primary Production to Higher Trophic Levels
The Flow of Energy: Primary Production to Higher Trophic Levels, Professor George Kling, University of Michigan, This page discusses the flow of energy in ecosystems and primary productivity.
The Wildlife Web 1
The Wildlife Web 1, New Hampshire Public Television, Wonderful website!! Check out all the links they provide.
Too Green: Feeding Relationship
Too Green: Feeding Relationship, Posted by Maria, ToGreen Blogspot, A combination of text and illustrations.
Trophic Level: Definition from Answers.com
Trophic Level: Definition from Answers.com, Scroll down to view an illustration and explanation of energy flow through an ecosystem.
What are Detrivores?
What are Detrivores?, Written by Tricia Ellis-Christensen, Wisegeek.com, Text and photos.
What Are Saprophytes?
What Are Saprophytes?, Written by C. Martin, WiseGeek.com, Find out what saprophytes are and why they are important parts of the food chain.
What is Decomposition?
What is Decomposition?, Michigan Environmental Education Curriculum, Michigan Tech , Good easy-to-understand explanation of decomposition; there's also an animation, click to play.
What is the 10% rule when talking about energy transfer?
What is the 10% rule when talking about energy transfer?, Yahoo! Answers, Visit the web site for the answer.
What is the difference between a producer, a consumer, and a decomposer?
What is the difference between a producer, a consumer, and a decomposer?, Yahoo! Answers, Visit the web page for the answer.
What's a Plant
What's a Plant, Qualitative Reasoning Group, Northwestern University, A combination of text and images.
Why top predators matter: an in-depth look at new research
Why top predators matter: an in-depth look at new research, Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com, February 02, 2010, Three recent studies reveal just how important top predators are to their ecosystems. V