A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. Freshwater food chains like ponds, lakes and streams consist of plant plankton, pond weeds, algae, snails, mussels, frogs, water spiders, insects, ducks and swans. It starts with plants and photosynthesis. Find out what is next in the food chain.

 Producers (Plants)
Small Freshwater Organisms
Small Freshwater Organisms, Giorgio Carboni, December 2006, Fun Science Gallery, Pictures and descriptions of microscopic forms of life found in freshwater ecosystems.
Aquatic Communities
Aquatic Communities, Image Credits: Clipart.com, New Hampshire Public Television, All kinds of information and photographs of freshwater communities.
Chesapeake Bay Food Web
Chesapeake Bay Food Web, Chesapeake Bay Program, Text and illustration.
Food Web - Pond Activity
Food Web - Pond Activity Hartcourt School Publishes Drag each picture to its place in the Pond Food Web.
Freshwater Food Web - Figures and Table
Freshwater Food Web - Figures and Table, Greenfacts.org, Visit the website for illustration.
Great Salt Lake Food Web
Great Salt Lake Food Web, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah, Great site! Learn how energy is transferred up the food pyramid and how the two food webs are linked in the lake; c
Great Salt Lake Food Web
Great Salt Lake Food Web, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah, Learn about the producers and consumers that make up the Great Salt Lake food web. Great illustrations!!
Hydrosphere: Freshwater
Geography4Kids: Hydrosphere: Freshwater, Freshwater basics for younger students.
Kids Do Ecology - Freshwater Biome
Kids Do Ecology - Freshwater Biome. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Text and photos on freshwater locations, plants, animals, and m
South Florida Ecosystem History Project - Kids Corner
South Florida Ecosystem History Project - Kids Corner, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology, Photo gallery, trivia, and more for younger students.
Wetland Food Web
Wetland Food Web, Adeliade and Mount Lofty Ranges, Government of South Australia, Click anywhere to enlarge or shrink illustration.