Even with extreme temperatures, scientists have found numerous specie that live near hydrothermal vents. Discover the world of giant tube worms, eelpout fish, pompeii worms, squat lobsters, limpets, crabs, and other unique creatures.

'Hoff' yeti crab hitched ride on ocean super-highway
'Hoff' yeti crab hitched ride on ocean super-highway, June 18, 2013, By Paul Rincon, Science editor, BBC News, Article with video and photos.
'Loki' microbes scientists found at the bottom of the ocean are our long-lost relatives
'Loki' microbes scientists found at the bottom of the ocean are our long-lost relatives, May 7, 2015, By Will Dunham, Reuters, Business Insider, Deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland
Animal Gallery - Index
Animal Gallery - Index, New Millennium Observatory, NOAA.gov, A gallery of deep-sea animals found at Axial Seamount. Click on an individual image to find out more about that specie. There are thr
Chemotroph, Wikipedia.org, Article with image; click to enlarge.
Deep-sea creatures at volcanic vent
Deep-sea creatures at volcanic vent, December 27, 2011, By Rebecca Morelle, Science reporter, BBC News, Close-up photos and video in the article.
Deep-Sea Worms Can't Take the Heat
Deep-Sea Worms Can't Take the Heat, MAY 30, 2013, BY Becky Oskin, Our Amazing Planet Staff Writer, Discovery News, Interesting topic, with photo gallery.
Dive & Discover: Hot Topics: Bacteria at Hydrothermal Vents
Hot Topics: Bacteria at Hydrothermal Vents, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Article with photos.
Dive and Discover: Hydrothermal Vent Life
Dive and Discover: Hydrothermal Vent Life Click on the names in the illustration to learn about the creatures that live in hydrothermal vents.
Hydrothermal Vent Animals
Hydrothermal Vent Animals, Deep-SeaPhotography.com, Stunning photos of vent animals; click on a thumbnail to see common name, scientific name, a description and location of the vent where it was f
Hydrothermal Vent Creatures
Hydrothermal Vent Creatures, Smithsonian Institution, Amazing 3:26 minute video.
Hydrothermal Vents - Life
Hydrothermal Vents - Life, Pictures and descriptions.
Hydrothermal Vents Video
Hydrothermal Vents Video, National Geogragraphic, Video length: 2:52.
Hydrothermal Vents--Animal Gallery
Hydrothermal Vents--Animal Gallery, School of Earth Science, Stanford University, Click on a thumbnail for a larger version and description.
Modern Hydrothermal Vent Fauna
Modern Hydrothermal Vent Fauna, Dr. Ken Hooper, Virtual Natural History Museum, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Large pictures and text; most pages are
Oily whale bones fuel unique ecosystems
Oily whale bones fuel unique ecosystems, 1 September 2010, by Tom Marshall, Planet Earth Online, Article has one small image.
Photos: scientists find new species at world's deepest undersea vent
Photos: scientists find new species at world's deepest undersea vent, By Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com , January 10, 2012, Article with several close-up photos.
Pompeii worm
Pompeii worm Wikipedia.org Brief article with two images; click to enlarge.
Pompeii worm
Pompeii worm, BBC Science & Nature: Sea Life, British Broadcasting Corporation, Photo with description and an 03:59 minute video.
Yeti Crab
Yeti Crab, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, A large photo of the yeti crab recently discovered on a hydrothermal vent near Easter Island, in southeastern Pacific island.