Hydrothermal vents and cold seeps are chemosynthetic communities that use chemicals instead of photosynthesis to support organisms in the ocean depths.

Black smoker
Black smoker Wikipedia.org Brief article with illustration and photo; click to enlarge.
Black Smoker
Black Smoker By David Darling Encyclopedia of Science Article describing a black smoker.
Cold, Dark and Teeming With Life
Cold, Dark and Teeming With Life, June 22, 2010, By William J. Broad, New York Times, Article with accompanying slide show and map.
Deep sea ecology: hydrothermal vents and cold seeps
Deep sea ecology: hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, World Wildlife Fund, Article with photo.
Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents Extreme Science Interesting article, several photos, and a 7+ minute video on creatures that live in or near the vents.
Deep sea mining 'gold rush' moves closer
Deep sea mining 'gold rush' moves closer May 17, 2013, By David Shukman, Science editor, BBC News, Article with photos.
Deep Sea Strangers: Giant Tube Worm
Deep Sea Strangers: Giant Tube Worm, Design & animation by Julia Steiman, Sheppard Software, Animation and brief description.
Deep-Sea Methane Ecosystem Found in Atlantic
Deep-Sea Methane Ecosystem Found in Atlantic, May 10, 2013, By Tim Wall, Discovery News, Article with photos.
Deep-Sea Mining is Coming: Assessing the Potential Impacts
Deep-Sea Mining is Coming: Assessing the Potential Impacts, March 3, 2011, By Erica Westly, Yale Environment 360, Transcript of an interview with Duke University's marine biologist Cindy Lee Van
Deepest undersea vents discovered by UK team
Deepest undersea vents discovered by UK team, February 21, 2013, By David Shukman, Science editor, BBC News, Close-up photos, videos, and interesting article on the team's discovery.
Dive and Discover: Hydrothermal Vents
Dive and Discover: Hydrothermal Vents, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Wonderful site! Chocked full of information on vent chemistry, locations, life in the vents, chemosynthesis (instead o
Down to the Volcano Movie
Down to the Volcano Movie, University of Washington, Video length: 28:24.
Evolution Deep Sea Vents and Life's Origins
Evolution Deep Sea Vents and Life's Origins, Uploaded by Al Mazurek III, YouTube.com, Video length: 04:00.
Hydrothermal vent
Hydrothermal vent Wikipedia.org Article with photos; click to enlarge.
Hydrothermal Vents - David Attenborough - Video
Hydrothermal Vents - David Attenborough, DNAtube.com, Video length: 07:14.
Hydrothermal Vents Discovered Off Antarctica
Hydrothermal Vents Discovered Off Antarctica, March 4, 2010, Science Daily, Article with image; click to enlarge. Adapted from materials provided by The Earth Institute at Columbia University.
In Photos: Norway's Spooky Seafloor Vents
In Photos: Norway's Spooky Seafloor Vents, By Megan Gannon, News Editor, August 06, 2013, LiveScience.com, Eight almazing images, with descriptions.
Infrared Photosynthesis: A Potential Power Source for Alien Life in Sunless Places
Infrared Photosynthesis: A Potential Power Source for Alien Life in Sunless Places, Jun 07, 2013, by Adam Hadhazy, Astrobiology Magazine, Article with photo.
Is chemosynthetic bacteria prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
Is chemosynthetic bacteria prokaryotic or eukaryotic?, Answers.yahoo.com, Visit the web page for the answer.
Journey to Deep Sea Vents
Journey to Deep Sea Vents, OLogy, American Museum of Natural History, Travel to the bottom of the sea on a submersible named Alvin. Click on "All Aboard" to play a game collecting living organism
Life After Death for Deep Sea Vents
Life After Death for Deep Sea Vents, By Tim Wall, January 26, 2012, DNews.com Article with photo.
Life As We Didn't Know It
Life As We Didn't Know It, April 13, 2001, NASA Science News, Article with photos and illustrations.
Lost City (hydrothermal field)
Lost City (hydrothermal field) Wikipedia.org Article with images; click to enlarge.
NASA Goes Deep in Search of Extreme Environments
NASA Goes Deep in Search of Extreme Environments, July 20, 2010, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, All-text article.
NOAA Ocean Explorer: The Lost City 2005
NOAA Ocean Explorer: The Lost City 2005, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great site! Movies, images and information on NOAA's expedition to Lost City to learn about actively venti
NOVA Online | Into the Abyss | Living at Extremes
NOVA Online | Into the Abyss | Living at Extremes, by Peter Tyson, PBS.org, Excellent article with images; click to enlarge.
Savage Earth: Black Smokers
Savage Earth: Black Smokers by Kathy Svitil, PBS.org, One part of a PBS special called Savage Earth: Hell's Crust. This section tells you all about black smokers found at mid-ocean ridges. There
Scientists Bid to Protect Norway's Deep-Sea Vents
Scientists Bid to Protect Norway's Deep-Sea Vents, By Megan Gannon, News Editor, August 06, 2013, LiveScience.com, Article with image; click for larger version.
South Cleft Black Smoker Videos
South Cleft Black Smoker Videos, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), A series of underwater videos taken at the Juan de Fuca Ridge in
Swashbuckling Scientists Discover Northern Vents
Swashbuckling Scientists Discover Northern Vents, Posted: 09/18/08, Author: Lee Pullen, Astrobiology Magazine, Article w1ith two photos and an illustration.
The Ocean's Chimneys - Hydrothermal Vents
The Ocean's Chimneys - Hydrothermal Vents, By Alexandra Louise Gulliver, Student Web Project, University of Bristol, Photos, text and illustration explaining hydrothermal vents, where they are f
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Astrobiology Magazine, A combination of text, images, and videos. Click on images for larger version.
Undersea Vent System Active for Ages
Undersea Vent System Active for Ages, By E. Sohn, Science News for Kids, Article with photo.
Underwater Vents and Volcanoes
Underwater Vents and Volcanoes, Ocean Today, NOAA, Video length: 02:35.
Volcanic springs and hydro-thermal vents - BBC
Volcanic springs and hydro-thermal vents - BBC, April 19, 2010, BBCEarth, Video length: 02:52.
Volcanoes of the Deep Sea
Volcanoes of the Deep Sea, The Stephen Low Company, Wow!! You can watch the trailer of the movie Volcanoes of the Deep Sea; just click on "trailer" to watch it.
What is Chemosynthesis?
What is Chemosynthesis?, Written by Michael Anissimov, WiseGeek.com, Article with illustrations; slick for larger version.
Where do chemosynthetic bacteria get their food?
Where do chemosynthetic bacteria get their food?, Wiki.Answers.com, Visit the website for the answer.
You Tube - Black Smoker
Black Smoker, Posted by lamjus, YouTube.com, Video length: 0:26.