Estuaries are the bodies of water where freshwater rivers and streams merge with oceans. Flora in estuaries includes seaweed, algae, and marsh grasses; fauna include waterfowl, worms, and crabs.

Baker's cord grass
Baker's cord grass, Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, Visit the web site for a video and images; click for a larger version in pop-up window.
Common Reed
Common Reed, Aqua Plant, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Texas A&M University, Photo and description.
Estuaries - Plants of the Estuary - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Estuaries - Plants of the Estuary, Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand, Plant descriptions.
Everglades National Park - Plants
Everglades National Park - Plants, Description and small photographs of a few ENP plants.
Kelp Forest Cam
Kelp Forest Cam, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Watch the live cam 7 a.m.–7 p.m. Pacific Time. You can also watch diver's feeding the specie at certain times.
Kelp Forests
Kelp Forests, Biological Science, BIO/GEO 353, SUNY Stone Brook, Photographs with descriptions.
Let's Learn About Estuary Plants - 026 Video
Let's Learn About Estuary Plants - 026 EstuaryLiveTV,, Video length: 05:44.
Seagrasses, By Jennifer Kennedy,, ThoughtCo., Combination of text and photos.
Spartina,, Article with image; click for larger version.
What are Reeds?
What are Reeds?, Written by S.E. Smith,, All-text article.