Estuaries are the bodies of water where freshwater rivers and streams merge with oceans. Flora in estuaries includes seaweed, algae, and marsh grasses; fauna include waterfowl, worms, and crabs.

 Marine & Widlife
What is an Estuary?
What is an Estuary?, Restore America's Estuaries, Description and access to two restoration videos.
Estuaries, by Lisa Gardiner, Windows to the Universe. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Excellent resource with photos and illustrations.
Estuaries, Capital Regional District, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Text explaining how estuaries are formed, their importance, the specie that live in them, and more.
Estuaries, NOAA's National Ocean Service Education, Interactive tutorial on estuary habitats; click on the map and then roll your mouse over the U.S. East Coast for estuaries you can explore.
Estuaries: Habitat for Wildlife
Estuaries: Habitat for Wildlife, Hinterland Who's Who, Information and illustrations on the plants, animals, and food web in estuaries.
Florida Fights to Save a Troubled Lagoon and Its Once-Flourishing Marine Life
Florida Fights to Save a Troubled Lagoon and Its Once-Flourishing Marine Life, August 29, 2013, By Nadia Drake, Wired Science, Article with two images; click for full-size view in pop-up window.
Kids Do Ecology - Estuaries
Kids Do Ecology - Estuaries, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, For younger students.
Sea otter return boosts ailing seagrass in California
Sea otter return boosts ailing seagrass in California, August 26, 2013, By Suzi Gage, BBC News, Article with two photos.
The Estuaries: Aquatic "Biome"
The Estuaries: Aquatic "Biome",, Video length: 02:32.
What is an Estuary?....So Now You Know Video
What is an Estuary?....So Now You Know, EstuaryLiveTV,, Video length: 07:02.