Biomagnification is the increased concentration of substances like pesticides that occur in a food chain.

Bioaccumulation Bioaccumulation refers to the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other organic chemicals in an organism. Visit the website for the article.
Biomagnification Biomagnification, also known as bioamplification or biological magnification, is the increase in concentration of a substance, such as the pesticide DDT, that occu
Biomagnification,, Along with good information on toxins and how they get into the food chain, there is an interactive activity you can check out.
Biomagnification.jpg Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership Good image that shows how the level of PCB's increase in tissue levels of organisms in the marine food chain.
Biomagnification: how DDT becomes concentrated as it passes through a food chain
Biomagnification: how DDT becomes concentrated as it passes through a food chain, John W. Kimball, Kimball's Biology Pages, The illustration on this page "shows how DDT becomes concentrated in th
Environmental Impacts
Environmental Impacts, Pesticide Action Network, "When chemicals that are designed to kill are introduced into delicately balanced ecosystems, they can set damage in motion that reverberates throu
Food Webs - Real-life applications
Food Webs - Real-life applications,, An article on keystone species, indicator species, indicating toxins, bioaccumulation, biomagnification, and more.
How Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Pollutants is Affecting Our Food Supply
How Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Pollutants is Affecting Our Food Supply, By CWanamaker, Very good explanation and graphic explaining how toxins enter the food chain, resulting in bioac
Mercury In River Moves Into Terrestrial Food Chain Through Spiders Fed To Baby Birds
Mercury In River Moves Into Terrestrial Food Chain Through Spiders Fed To Baby Birds, April 20, 2008, Science Daily, "Songbirds feeding near the contaminated South River are showing high levels o
Pesticides Decimate Biodiversity
Pesticides Decimate Biodiversity, By Chris Palmer, June 19, 2013, The Scientist Magazine, "Agricultural pesticides, even when used at levels considered safe, can cause devastating losses of inve
Pesticides Significantly Reduce Biodiversity in Aquatic Environments
Pesticides Significantly Reduce Biodiversity in Aquatic Environments, June 17, 2013, Science Daily, "The pesticides, many of which are currently used in Europe and Australia, are responsible for
Pesticides spark broad biodiversity loss
Pesticides spark broad biodiversity loss, By Sharon Oosthoek, 17 June 2013, Nature Magazine, "Agricultural chemicals affect invertebrates in streams and soil, even at 'safe' levels." Visit the w
What are Biomagnified Pollutants?
What are Biomagnified Pollutants?, Written by S.E. Smith,, "Biomagnified pollutants are pollutants which become more concentrated as they move up the food chain, becoming much more i
What Is Biological Magnification?
What Is Biological Magnification?, Written by Daniel Liden,, "Biological magnification, also known as biomagnification or bioamplification, explains why a substance appears in higher