A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. The marine food chain starts with phytoplankton, mainly algae. Phytoplankton is consumed by floating animals called zooplankton; they vary in size so the smaller zooplankton are eaten by larger zooplankton. Zooplankton are eaten by small fish; small fish are eaten by larger fish. What comes next in the food chain? Discover the rest of the marine food chain through these web sites.

 Coral Reefs
 Intertidal & Coastal
 Kelp Forests
A Complex Food Chain
A Complex Food Chain, New York Times, Ever wonder what kind of sea life live a mile or more down near cold seeps and hydrothermal vents? Wonder no more; here are 17 amazing close-up photos of spec
ALL ABOUT ENERGY - Energy Losses
ALL ABOUT ENERGY - Energy Losses, Science Encyclopedia, JRank Science & Philosophy, Combination of text, photos and illustrations.
An Estuary Food Chain: A Who-Eats-What Adventure in North America
An Estuary Food Chain: A Who-Eats-What Adventure in North America By Rebecca Hogue Wojahn, Donald Wojahn, Google allows you to read bits and pieces of this book. Read about the different specie th
Autotroph Wikipedia.org Autotrophs are the producers in a food chain, such as plants on land or algae in water. Bacteria which derive energy from oxidizing inorganic compounds (such as hydrogen su
Autotroph, Infoplease.com
Autotroph, Infoplease.com, All-text definition.
Autotrophs, Windows Team, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Regents of the University of Michigan, Image and description.
Backbone of marine food chain in alarming decline
Backbone of marine food chain in alarming decline, Jeremy Hance, mongabay.com, July 28, 2010, "Tiny marine algae, known as phytoplankton, are the backbone of the marine food chain, yet a new stu
BBC Schools - KS3 Bitesize - Biology - Food Chains
BBC Schools - KS3 Bitesize - Biology - Food Chains "In this Revision Bite we'll look at the feeding relationships between living things. These can be shown in food chains and food webs."
Biomesfirst - Marine Food Web
Biomesfirst - Marine Food Web, Wikispaces.com, Visit the web site for the food web illustration.
Building an Automated Underwater Microscope
Building an Automated Underwater Microscope, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, A very interesting conversation with Heidi Sosik, a biologist who studies marine phytoplankton - 'the community of
Crustacean, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries for Kids, A close-up illustrations of a crustacean.
Cycling through the food web
Cycling through the food web, Bigelow.org, A page devoted to how bacteria fits into marine food webs.
Explain the classification of marine organisms?
Explain the classification of marine organisms?, TheBigger.com, Brief all-text article.
Fish Food Game
Fish Food Game, National Wildlife Federation, Interactive game. Work your way up the food chain. It's eat or be eaten!
Food Chains and Food Webs
Food Chains and Food Webs By Louise Wootton Georgian Court University This is supplemental material to a lesson plan that explains food chains and webs in marshes through text and photographs.
Food Web Woes
Food Web Woes, By E. Sohn, April 4, 2007, Science News for Kids, "If sharks disappeared from the oceans, rays might thrive, but shellfish would probably suffer." Visit the website for the articl
Forests of the Sea: Phytoplankton and Marine plants
Forests of the Sea: Phytoplankton and Marine plants, MarineBio.org, A gorgeous 03:11 minute movie on kelp and images, photos and illustrations showing and describing phytoplankton, diatoms, dinofl
Greenhouse gas threatens ocean food chain
Greenhouse gas threatens ocean food chain, By Marian Wilkinson, March 9, 2009, The Sydney Morning Herald, "Rising acid in the Southern Ocean caused by greenhouse gases are damaging the ability o
Herb Segars Photography, Eat or Be Eaten
Herb Segars Photography, Eat or Be Eaten, Reprinted from New Jersey Outdoors Summer 2002, Artificial Reef by William Figley, Images by Herb Segars, Article with numerous close-up and very colorf
How Does Nature Deal with Persistent Pollutants?
How Does Nature Deal with Persistent Pollutants?, By Kristin Pangallo, Graduate student, MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, "Graduate student explores biomagnification of chemicals up the fo
Marine Communities - Quiz
Marine Communities - Quiz, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Interactive quiz; visit the web site to test your marine communities knowledge.
Marine Fisheries Food Webs
Marine Fisheries Food Webs Oceanworld Texas A&M University Text, photos and illustrations on marine food webs.
NOAA: Marine Ecosystem Food Web
NOAA: Marine Ecosystem Food Web, "This schematic representation of a marine ecosystem food web illustrates some of the interrelationships or eclogical pathways between the species that make up the
Ocean ecology: sunlit surface waters
Ocean ecology: sunlit surface waters, World Wildlife Fund, Article on photosynthesis, phytoplankton, and zooplankton and their role in the ocean food web.
Ocean Food Webs - Deep Sea Benthic Food Webs
Ocean Food Webs - Deep Sea Benthic Food Webs, Professor Sean Chamberlin, Fullerton College, YouTube.com, Video length: 07:28.
Ocean Food Webs - Introduction
Ocean Food Webs - Introduction, Professor Sean Chamberlin, Fullerton College, YouTube.com, Video length: 04:19.
Ocean Food Webs - Midwater Food Webs
Ocean Food Webs - Midwater Food Webs, Professor Sean Chamberlin, Fullerton College, YouTube.com, Video length: 05:42.
Ocean Link | Biodiversity - Marine Food Web
Ocean Link | Biodiversity - Marine Food Web A food web shows who eats whom. They have a challenge for you; see if you can accomplish the task.
Oceans Alive! | Life in the Sea | Predators and Prey
Oceans Alive! | Life in the Sea | Predators and Prey Museum of Science As far as we know, nearly all life in the ocean is dependent on plants. Only plants have the ability to manufacture food ou
Plankton decline across oceans as waters warm
Plankton decline across oceans as waters warm, July 28, 2010, Richard Black, BBC News, "The amount of phytoplankton - tiny marine plants - in the top layers of the oceans has declined markedly o
Producers in the Oceans, Kinds of Plant Plankton
Producers in the Oceans, Kinds of Plant Plankton, Science Encyclopedia, JRank Science & Philosophy, A combination of text, photos, and illustrations for younger students.
Rising Ocean Acidity May Deplete Vital Phytoplankton
Rising Ocean Acidity May Deplete Vital Phytoplankton, By Jessica Marshall, Thu Jan 14, 2010, Discovery News, "Rising acid levels in the world's oceans appear to be robbing the tiny animals that
Scientists gather 'tremendous' new data on tiny ocean creatures
Scientists gather 'tremendous' new data on tiny ocean creatures, May 23, 2015, By Pete Spotts, Staff writer, The Christian Monitor, "The Tara Oceans project is revealing new data on tiny ocean
Scientists warn of global warming threat to marine food chain
Scientists warn of global warming threat to marine food chain, By Juliette Jowit, guardian.co.uk, 28 July 2010, "Numbers of phytoplankton - the microscopic organisms that sustain the marine food
Secondary Consumers, Tertiary Consumers, Omnivores
Secondary Consumers, Tertiary Consumers, Omnivores, Science Encyclopedia, JRank Science & Philosophy website, Combination of text, photos and illustrations for younger students.
Tiny. Ubiquitous. Vital. Delicate. Vulnerable.
Oceanus Magazine, Eleven really close-up images of pteropods, creatures near the bottom of the marine food web.
Transplanted giant tortoises revive ecosystem in Mauritius
Transplanted giant tortoises revive ecosystem in Mauritius, Saturday, May 07, 2011 by: M.Thornley, NaturalNews.com, All-text article.
Whales, Antarctica Food Chains and Food Webs
Whales, Antarctica Food Chains and Food Webs, Coolarctica.com, Visit the website for illustrations.
What eats zooplankton?
What eats zooplankton?, Wateats.com, Image (click to view a larger version) and description of zooplankton.