
Biome Homework Help
Deciduous Forests


Why we love conkers and horse chestnut trees

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Why we love conkers and horse chestnut trees, October 9, 2015, By Jeremy Coles, BBC Earth, Stunning leaf colour and conkers make horse chestnut trees the very essence of autumn. But these beau READ MORE

The mysterious world of albino redwood trees

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The mysterious world of albino redwood trees, April 15, 2015, By Carie Leary, Mother Nature Network, These rare 'ghosts of the forest' don't have chlorophyll, but that doesn't stop them from imp READ MORE

Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?

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Why Do Leaves Change Color in the Fall?, By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., About.com Guide, Brief article on the science behind the change of color in leaves. Scroll down to see links to other ar READ MORE

New England Foliage Map

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New England Foliage Map Yankee Publishing Inc. Pick a town and see whether leaves are green, turning, moderate or at their peak. READ MORE

Write a short note on the temperate deciduous forest region of biomes?

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Write a short note on the temperate deciduous forest region of biomes?, TheBigger.com, Brief, all-text article. READ MORE

Temperate Forests

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Temperate Forests, Windows to the Universe, Photo (click to enlarge) and explanation of the difference between temperate and tropical rainforests. READ MORE

Ladybird Johnson Redwood Grove, Redwood NP, California

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Ladybird Johnson Redwood Grove, Redwood NP, California, Geography4kids.com, Description of and panoramic view of the forest located on the Pacific Coast in California. READ MORE

Biomes: Deciduous Forests YouTube

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Biomes: Deciduous Forests, Posted by osprey2020, YouTube, Video length: 04:28. READ MORE

Deciduous Forest Climate

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Deciduous Forest Climate, Content by West Tisbury Elementary School students, Blueplanetbiomes.org, What's the climate like in a deciduous forest? Find out here. READ MORE

Kids Do Ecology - Temperate Forests

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Kids Do Ecology - Temperate Forest, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Photos and information for younger students. READ MORE

Temperate Deciduous Forest: Mission: Biomes

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Temperate Deciduous Forest: Mission: Biomes, Earth Observatory, NASA.gov, Information on the precipitation, temperature, vegetation, and locations of the deciduous forests; there's also a map an READ MORE

What's It Like Where You Live? Temperate Deciduous Forest

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What's It Like Where You Live? Temperate Deciduous Forest, Missouri Botanical Garden, Created by students. READ MORE

Temperate Deciduous Forests

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Temperate Deciduous Forests, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: Clipart.com unless otherwise noted, Visit the website for photos and to learn about its location, plants READ MORE

Deciduous Forest Biome

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Deciduous Forest Biome, West Tisbury Elementary School Students, BluePlanetBiomes.com, Created by students for students. There's a map, photos, and information on its plants, animals, and climate READ MORE
In addition to evergreens, deciduous forests have oak, hickory, maple or other specie that shed their leaves in the fall. Deciduous forests have a longer growing period than its neighbor, the taiga; it also receives more moisture. Warmer temperatures enable more wildlife; squirrels, skunks, birds, deer, turtles and a few amphibians inhabit the temperate forests.
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