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Bialowieza, Europe's last primeval forest - in pictures
Bialowieza, Europe's last primeval forest - in pictures,
April 6, 2011,
By David Levene, Damian Carrington, Eric Hilaire,
The Guardian,
Amazing photographs, with descriptions. READ MORE
Forests are divided into three types, tropical (or rainforest), temperate or taiga (sometimes referred to as boreal) forests. Tropical forests are close to the equator, get large amounts of rain, and have a wide variety of plants and wildlife. Taiga forests are the largest of the terrestrial biomes; they are located in northern parts of North America, Europe, Asia and Siberia; moisture comes mostly in the form of snow. Plants and wildlife that exist in the taiga have adapted to the extreme cold temperatures. Temperate forests, located below taiga forests, can be found in North America, Asia and Europe; a longer growing season and milder temperatures allow a larger variety of trees and wildlife.
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